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 关闭语句 添加此单词到默认生词本
close statement

  1. STOP run语句关闭了运行单元内的任意程序中定义的所有文件。
    The STOP run statement closes all files defined in any of the programs in the run unit.
  2. 该命令关闭sql语句的自动提交,并删除在CLP交互输入模式下显示的提示符。
    This command turns off the automatic commitment of SQL statements and removes the prompt that is displayed in CLP interactive input mode.
  3. 如果在返回SQL过程之前使用close语句关闭游标,那么游标结果集就不会返回到调用者或客户机应用程序。
    If the cursor is closed using the close statement before the return of the SQL procedure, the cursor result set will not be returned to the caller or client application.

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