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 公务签证 [gōng wù qiān zhèng添加此单词到默认生词本
official visa

  1. 负责总局的公务护照、签证及有关工作;
    to be responsible for managing service passports and visas;
  2. 申请赴西公务签证手续:(1)照会或公函(正、副本)上应注明访问目的和停留时间;
    Western official to apply for a visa procedures: (1) note or letter (is that a copy) should be marked on the purpose of the visit and stay;
  3. 第三条根据外国人来中国的身份和所持护照和种类,分别发给外交签证、礼遇签证公务签证、普通签证
    Article 3 In accordance with their status and the types of passports they hold, different aliens coming to China shall be issued diplomatic, courtesy, service or ordinary visas respectively.

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