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 介电强度 [jiè diàn qiáng dù添加此单词到默认生词本
dielectric strength

  1. 绝缘较薄的电线(如具有发泡绝缘的通信和网络电缆)﹐交流电压使发泡单元里的空气电离﹐这将减少绝缘的介电强度
    In wires with very weak insulation (such as telecom and datacom wires having a foamed dielectric), the AC voltage ionizes the air inside the foam cells, reducing overall dielectric strength of the insulation.
  2. 制备了玻璃纤维布增强聚四氟乙烯复合材料;分析了偶联剂对复合材料性能的影响;讨论了树脂含量对材料介电性能和拉伸强度的影响;探讨了烧结工艺对复合材料拉伸强度影响;对复合材料介电性能理论值与试验值进行了对比分析。
    This study included manufacturing process of glass cloth reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene(PTFE) and the effects of the silane materials on the tensile strength and morphology of PTFE composites and the effect of the sintering process on the tensile strength of the reinforced PTFE,etc.Our results showed that about 40% glass cloth reinforcing PTFE had the highest tensile strength and acceptable dielectric properties.Finally,predicting of dielectric properties was discussed.
  3. 摘要通过FMP理论对我们实验中的俘获效应加以研究,可得知此过程中粒子的成链结构、粒子倾向(引起堆积形式变化的趋势)以及链状网络结构强度和有限的介电响应时间等信息。
    To research the capture effect which is defined in our experiment by the theoretic analysis of FMP effect, the information about the chain structure of the particle, the tendency of the particle movement (that's, the tendency of the structure transformation) and the chain-net-structural strength as well as the finite dielectric response time could be obtained.

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