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 乘积模型 添加此单词到默认生词本
product model

  1. 对可重构模块化机器人逆运动学,我们采用局部指数乘积公式和微分运动学公式而建立的逆运动学数学模型
    The inverse kinematics model of reconfigurable modular robots is based on the local product-of-exponential formulas and differential kinematics equations.
  2. 建立了以舰船快速性和控制性能综合最优为目标函数的数学模型,并且总的目标函数取为两者的乘积形式。
    Establish the optimization mathematic model which objective function is the rapidity and the control performance, the total objective function is their product.
  3. 进而利用小区流量以天为周期变化的特点,得到了流量变化的乘积季节ARIMA模型
    Furthermore, according to cell traffic changes in one day cycle, the multiple seasonal ARIMA model of the GPRS cells traffic was proposed.

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