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 劳动计划 添加此单词到默认生词本
labour power planning

  1. 我们计划改变能源系统时必须考虑的另一种动力是劳动力池动力。
    Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum.
  2. 首先,在过去的几年里,越来越多的女性进入了劳动力市场,而且越来越多的女性计划继续工作到退休年龄。
    First, more women have entered the work force in the past few years, and more of them plan to remain working until retirement age.
  3. 自愿买断计划的条款还须符合当地劳动法规。
    The terms of the plans are subject to local labor practices and legislation.

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