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 jewfish ['dʒu`fɪʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 暖海鱼属

    [ noun ]
    1. large important food fish of Australia; almost indistinguishable from the maigre

    2. <noun.animal>
    3. large dark grouper with a thick head and rough scales

    4. <noun.animal>

    Jewfish \Jew"fish`\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    1. A very large serranoid fish ({Promicrops itaiara}) of
    Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. It often reaches the
    weight of five hundred pounds. Its color is olivaceous or
    yellowish, with numerous brown spots. Called also {guasa},
    and {warsaw}.

    2. A similar gigantic fish ({Stereolepis gigas}) of Southern
    California, valued as a food fish.

    3. The black grouper of Florida and Texas.

    4. A large herringlike fish; the tarpum.

    Tarpum \Tar"pum\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    A very large marine fish ({Megapolis Atlanticus}) of the
    Southern United States and the West Indies. It often becomes
    six or more feet in length, and has large silvery scales. The
    scales are a staple article of trade, and are used in
    fancywork. Called also {tarpon}, {sabalo}, {savanilla},
    {silverfish}, and {jewfish}.

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