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 untangle [,ʌn'tæŋgl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 解开纠结, 解开, 整顿


    Untangle \Un*tan"gle\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + tangle.]
    To loose from tangles or intricacy; to disentangle; to
    resolve; as, to untangle thread.

    Untangle but this cruel chain. --Prior.

    1. Editors and writers have no time to untangle any tricky phrasing.
    2. Pollner said the fraud by Victor was uncovered as accountants and private investigators tried to untangle Maruki's finances and find money to pay back its many creditors.
    3. U.S. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger is expected to untangle some of these issues when he calls on his Japanese counterpart, Yuko Kurihara, in late June.
    4. Special Agent Kevin Kelly is using pencil, paper and a calculator to try to untangle the convoluted paper trail of a suspected $55 million money-laundering operation; there is a computer terminal, but he has to share it with 13 other agents.
    5. In Beijing, unlike Moscow, the police seldom are in evidence unless they are trying, not too successfully, to untangle the chaotic traffic.
    6. Such moves give a glimpse into O&Y's banks' willingness to give the company breathing room as it tries to untangle its many problems.
    7. Its advisers, led by Ms Violy de Harper, a managing director of its corporate advisory arm, set to work to untangle the run-down, family-controlled bank taken over by Mr Conde two years before.
    8. Babilius knows it will take years to untangle the mess left by 50 years of communism.
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