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 undersized [`ʌndɚ'saɪzd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 小于一般尺寸的, 不够大的, 小型的

[化] 尺寸过小的

    [ adj ]
    smaller than normal for its kind

    Undersized \Un"der*sized`\, a.
    Of a size less than is common.

    1. A flourishing black market in undersized scallops, illegal fishing in spawning areas and allegations that some trawlers carry nets with illegally tight mesh.
    2. The U.S. Table Tennis Association recently sanctioned high school players to train on undersized tables, which cost less and save space.
    3. Jeffrey Tate conducted what seemed an undersized English Chamber Orchestra, unable to give the music sufficient punch in this open-air venue.
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