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 tunnelling ['tʌnəliŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Tunnelling under the English Channel is a big proposition.
  2. The prisoners had escaped by tunnelling.

Tunnel \Tun"nel\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tunneled}or {Tunnelled};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Tunneling} or {Tunnelling}.]
1. To form into a tunnel, or funnel, or to form like a
tunnel; as, to tunnel fibrous plants into nests. --Derham.

2. To catch in a tunnel net.

3. To make an opening, or a passageway, through or under; as,
to tunnel a mountain; to tunnel a river.

  1. The main entry point for tunnelling will be at Black Rock to the east of Brighton and will be extended westward to Hove.
  2. It plans to publish its findings. The problems at Heathrow started a week ago when earth began slipping into a tunnel being excavated using a technique known as the new Austrian tunnelling method.
  3. The interceptor is designed to store storm water and transfer it to treatment works, rather than allowing it to discharge into the sea. The sewer will be constructed by soft ground tunnelling techniques in water-bearing sand and glacial till.
  4. As everyone knows, TML made up the time lost in early tunnelling and finished a few days early in June 1991. Sadly, TML's fitting out of the tunnels and terminals under a fixed price contract has not gone well.
  5. Denmark expects a significant boost to its economy from its own improved links and from increased through-trade from Sweden to Europe. Storebaelt has slipped about one year behind schedule chiefly because of problems encountered while tunnelling.
  6. It will concentrate production at Motherwell, Lanarkshire, James Buxton writes. The Bridgeton plant, which employs 239 people, makes coalmine tunnelling equipment.
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