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 toast [tost]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 吐司, 烤面包, 干杯

vt. 敬酒, 烤, 使暖和

vi. 烤, 烘

  1. Let's toast the friendship between two countries.
  2. I propose a toast to the health of the guests.

[ noun ]
  1. slices of bread that have been toasted

  2. <noun.food>
  3. a celebrity who receives much acclaim and attention

  4. <noun.person>
    he was the toast of the town
  5. a person in desperate straits; someone doomed

  6. <noun.person>
    I'm a goner if this plan doesn't work
    one mistake and you're toast
  7. a drink in honor of or to the health of a person or event

  8. <noun.food>
[ verb ]
  1. make brown and crisp by heating

  2. <verb.change> crisp crispen
    toast bread
    crisp potatoes
  3. propose a toast to

  4. <verb.consumption>
    drink pledge salute wassail
    Let us toast the birthday girl!
    Let's drink to the New Year

Toast \Toast\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Toasted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Toasting}.] [OF. toster to roast, toast, fr. L. torrere,
tostum, to parch, roast. See {Torrid}.]
1. To dry and brown by the heat of a fire; as, to toast

2. To warm thoroughly; as, to toast the feet.

3. To name when a health is proposed to be drunk; to drink to
the health, or in honor, of; as, to toast a lady.

Toast \Toast\, n. [OF. toste, or tost['e]e, toasted bread. See
{Toast}, v.]
1. Bread dried and browned before a fire, usually in slices;
also, a kind of food prepared by putting slices of toasted
bread into milk, gravy, etc.

My sober evening let the tankard bless,
With toast embrowned, and fragrant nutmeg fraught.
--T. Warton.

2. A lady in honor of whom persons or a company are invited
to drink; -- so called because toasts were formerly put
into the liquor, as a great delicacy.

It now came to the time of Mr. Jones to give a toast
. . . who could not refrain from mentioning his dear
Sophia. --Fielding.

3. Hence, any person, especially a person of distinction, in
honor of whom a health is drunk; hence, also, anything so
commemorated; a sentiment, as ``The land we live in,''
``The day we celebrate,'' etc.

{Toast rack}, a small rack or stand for a table, having
partitions for holding slices of dry toast.

  1. "Has always reminded me of burnt toast," offered a third.
  2. He offers a tough but brilliant vision. Everything he designed, and take a close look at the circular silver toast rack in the exhibition, is thought through from the inside out.
  3. "We agreed that when we watched the speech, we would drink a toast to Gorbachev's health." The disapproval of the Russian government goes deeper than nostalgia and sentimentality.
  4. Among those ready to bolt the GOP for Dukakis is Jimmy Londis, 64, who came to the United States from Greece 30 years ago and runs the popular Jimmy's Lunch in Troy, known for its French toast.
  5. In addition to looking the part, employees were served military food, including creamed chipped beef on toast, said Darlene Smolen, hospital marketing director.
  6. Dulce de leche is used on everything from ice cream to pancakes, toast, cakes and pies.
  7. 'If it doesn't go through with the restructuring, it's toast,' says one Toronto real estate financing specialist. The recent confidence-building steps are a measure of the turbulence which has buffeted Trizec.
  8. The entertainer, a vegetarian, ate a normal breakfast of orange juice and toast, but for dinner Damien cooked seven different dishes for him so he would have a choice, Galloway said.
  9. At the reception, the groom's brother offered a toast: "I hope your married life is a lot smoother than the ride to get here." The couple will spend their honeymoon in the Bahamas.
  10. At the lunch, the toast was 'Europe', washed down by Moet et Chandon 1986.
  11. Chop the ginger and coriander, and toast the sesame seeds. Warm the oil in a flameproof casserole.
  12. He improvised a brief welcome, and aides said later he had left his prepared toast in his hotel suite.
  13. In a fitting tribute, the authors and screenwriters planned to toast Lovecraft with champagne, at dusk, at his grave in Swan Point Cemetery on Friday night.
  14. Quinn and Reedy will take to the skies following a champagne toast and dance.
  15. Breakfast is oatmeal, canned mushrooms on toast, and strong tea.
  16. If a Stealth fighter pilot "got into visual range where an enemy pilot saw him, he'd be toast," he said.
  17. He smiled, jabbed the air with his right fist and lifted his glass to toast the end of a long and tumultuous contest.
  18. There was retrospective romance in gold guipure-incrusted jackets with satin skirts, in fitted velvet bodices over full lacquered tulle or lame-flowered skirts, in romantic lace dresses in shades of orange, toast and pearl gray.
  19. "We promise our people we will carry Paraguay on a bright path to its destiny of greatness and happiness," Rodriguez told cheering party members at his home Monday night as he lifted a glass of champagne in a toast.
  20. 'They can make their toast in there in the morning.' In fact the kitchen is aggressively high-tech, and has nothing so homely as a table or chair.
  21. There is a generous toast to those who have not made it this far: 'To all those we left behind, to all those who fell at the first and all consequent hurdles.'
  22. He would like to forget the toast and instead "stand and sing an ode once again," and let every loyal Maine grad _ not man _ sing.
  23. In England, the men were the toast of the polo crowd.
  24. But it's the summer lineup that separates the A list from the B list and enables the English to do what they seem to enjoy most-dress up, defy the weather and toast what remains of the empire.
  25. Richards raised his hand in a mock toast.
  26. Myles na gCopaleen was the toast of literary Dublin for his columns in The Irish Times.
  27. The White House press office distributed an advance text of a toast in which Bush briefly reviewed the astonishing events since the last economic summit in Paris, including the collapse of the Berlin Wall.
  28. "It's difficult now not to think that if Israel was founded 50 years ago, and not 40, you would represent not 80,000 Jews but 1 million," Shamir told about a dozen Jewish community leaders in a lunchtime toast.
  29. So tea should be a proper welcoming tea with crumpets and drop scones and fruit breads that everyone can toast for themselves in front of the fire. Dinner will probably be late.
  30. In a toast during a luncheon for government officials at the home of President Jose Napoleon Duarte, Quayle repeatedly mentioned commitment to human rights as a guiding principle for democratic government.
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