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 thriftiest 添加此单词到默认生词本
节俭的( thrifty的最高级 )

  1. Food is the biggest expense for many Japanese households, and even the thriftiest housewives often pride themselves on serving something different every night.
  2. Over time, evolution could even have favored slight variations in relevant genes that produced the " thriftiest " management of precious energy stores.

Thrifty \Thrift"y\ (thr[i^]ft"[y^]), a. [Compar. {Thriftier};
superl. {Thriftiest}.]
1. Given to, or evincing, thrift; characterized by economy
and good menegement of property; sparing; frugal.

Her chaffer was so thrifty and so new. --Chaucer.

I am glad he hath so much youth and vigor left, of
which he hath not been thrifty. --Swift.

2. Thriving by industry and frugality; prosperous in the
acquisition of worldly goods; increasing in wealth; as, a
thrifty farmer or mechanic.

3. Growing rapidly or vigorously; thriving; as, a thrifty
plant or colt.

4. Secured by thrift; well husbanded. [R.]

I have five hundred crowns,
The thrifty hire I saved under your father. --Shak.

5. Well appearing; looking or being in good condition;
becoming. [Obs.]

I sit at home, I have no thrifty cloth. --Chaucer.

Syn: Frugal; sparing; economical; saving; careful.

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