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 tasteful ['testfəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 有鉴赏力的, 趣味高雅的, 雅观的

    [ adj ]
    1. having or showing or conforming to good taste

    2. <adj.all>
    3. free from what is tawdry or unbecoming

    4. <adj.all>
      a neat style
      a neat set of rules
      she hated to have her neat plans upset

    Tasteful \Taste"ful\ (t[=a]st"f[.u]l), a.
    1. Having a high relish; savory. ``Tasteful herbs.'' --Pope.

    2. Having or exhibiting good taste; in accordance with good
    taste; tasty; as, a tasteful drapery.
    -- {Taste"ful*ly}, adv. --
    {Taste"ful*ness}, n.

    1. In fact, although I will cheerfully concede that the National Gallery has given this essentially tasteless endeavor a discreet and tasteful installation, I was surprised to find that I liked the pictures better in reproduction than in the flesh.
    2. Jewelled ladies hacked away at pieces of ancient mutton. The Bela Vista is now a tasteful, if expensive, rest house.
    3. The presentation is as thoughtful as it is tasteful, and the descriptive and explanatory texts are particularly informative.
    4. Though he made it shapely and well-balanced, a party-piece was just what it failed to sound like; its 'cheap thrills' (very effectively designed by the composer) were rendered tasteful to a fault.
    5. Two cats roam the offices, which resemble a tasteful country inn more than the headquarters of a company with annual revenues of $150 million.
    6. An Oxford weave with a button collar, comes cost Pounds 9.99 in white or blue and is quite tasteful.
    7. He was kicked out of the band when he "couldn't adapt to more tasteful or quieter things," Westerberg said, and now has a band in Minneapolis called Static Taxi.
    8. It's all very beautiful and very tasteful, but no one seems to live there.
    9. Pounds 1. As always, beautifully presented, lots of full colour pages and almost everything is tasteful.
    10. It is a superbly interesting show, a model even, in its tasteful design and the intelligent way it links words and images to show all aspects of Romantic thought and sensibility.
    11. His tasteful colonial-style office bustles with business, much of it brought in by creative hustling.
    12. "They're almost Oriental in their attitude toward marketing," says Mr. DellaFemina, whose agency is renowned for creating tasteful advertisements for condoms.
    13. No doubt it will take him some years yet to stamp the intended character upon the voice itself, beyond the vocal surface-effects; nevertheless everything he did was both tasteful and telling.
    14. The arrangement is bound to leave tasteful and talented people like Mr. Fussell resentful and confused.
    15. Any development, he adds, will be tasteful.
    16. K mart figures that with the Stewart cachet on its kitchen and home goods, people who once scorned its stores will take a second look and decide, says Mr. Wellman, "that our merchandise is tasteful and good quality."
    17. "Nobody said when I went to the Art Institute that I had to produce tasteful artwork.
    18. Wonderfully tasteful though all white and green arrangements are, it has to be said that her brilliant colours made a refreshing change from the purity and simplicity of the all-white school of floristry.
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