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 strollers 添加此单词到默认生词本



    1. New ramp entrances at the east and west wings of the building are designed to accommodate wheelchairs and baby strollers. Restrooms include diaper-changing facilities.
    2. The boats can be identified by the name "Primex-Shyf 4768." The second recall involves baby strollers sold by McCrory Stores, Inc., which has its headquarters in York, Pa.
    3. In Hamra, Sunday strollers ran for cover as a three-shell salvo crashed near a cluster of sidewalk cafes.
    4. I offered to bring in letters from pediatricians and other physicians who were using our stroller and not only felt it was safe, but also more stable than other strollers because of its tripod-shaped base.
    5. The strollers are navy blue with red trim.
    6. Little people in diapers and strollers.
    7. There's a duck pond, women pushing strollers and executives in shirt sleeves taking afternoon walks.
    8. Plastic plugs sealing the tube ends on the strollers could come loose and pose a choking hazard, officials said.
    9. The woman's breasts will also be covered by trees, hiding them from unsuspecting strollers.
    10. Tornadoes gobbled up farmhouses as they veered through the Plains on the second day of a winter heat wave that brought strollers to parks and sidewalk cafes in the East and Midwest.
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