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 sheep [ʃi:p]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 羊, 胆小者

    [ noun ]
    1. woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat

    2. <noun.animal>
    3. a timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon

    4. <noun.person>
    5. a docile and vulnerable person who would rather follow than make an independent decision

    6. <noun.person>
      his students followed him like sheep

    Sheep \Sheep\, n. sing. & pl. [OE. shep, scheep, AS. sc?p,
    sce['a]p; akin to OFries. sk?p, LG. & D. schaap, G. schaf,
    OHG. sc[=a]f, Skr. ch[=a]ga. [root]295. Cf. {Sheepherd}.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several species of ruminants of the
    genus {Ovis}, native of the higher mountains of both
    hemispheres, but most numerous in Asia.

    Note: The domestic sheep ({Ovis aries}) varies much in size,
    in the length and texture of its wool, the form and
    size of its horns, the length of its tail, etc. It was
    domesticated in prehistoric ages, and many distinct
    breeds have been produced; as the merinos, celebrated
    for their fine wool; the Cretan sheep, noted for their
    long horns; the fat-tailed, or Turkish, sheep,
    remarkable for the size and fatness of the tail, which
    often has to be supported on trucks; the Southdowns, in
    which the horns are lacking; and an Asiatic breed which
    always has four horns.

    2. A weak, bashful, silly fellow. --Ainsworth.

    3. pl. Fig.: The people of God, as being under the government
    and protection of Christ, the great Shepherd.

    {Rocky mountain sheep}.(Zo["o]l.) See {Bighorn}.

    {Maned sheep}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Aoudad}.

    {Sheep bot} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the sheep botfly. See

    {Sheep dog} (Zo["o]l.), a shepherd dog, or collie.

    {Sheep laurel} (Bot.), a small North American shrub ({Kalmia
    angustifolia}) with deep rose-colored flowers in corymbs.

    {Sheep pest} (Bot.), an Australian plant ({Ac[ae]na ovina})
    related to the burnet. The fruit is covered with barbed
    spines, by which it adheres to the wool of sheep.

    {Sheep run}, an extensive tract of country where sheep range
    and graze.

    {Sheep's beard} (Bot.), a cichoraceous herb ({Urospermum
    Dalechampii}) of Southern Europe; -- so called from the
    conspicuous pappus of the achenes.

    {Sheep's bit} (Bot.), a European herb ({Jasione montana})
    having much the appearance of scabious.

    {Sheep pox} (Med.), a contagious disease of sheep,
    characterixed by the development of vesicles or pocks upon
    the skin.

    {Sheep scabious}. (Bot.) Same as {Sheep's bit}.

    {Sheep shears}, shears in which the blades form the two ends
    of a steel bow, by the elasticity of which they open as
    often as pressed together by the hand in cutting; -- so
    called because used to cut off the wool of sheep.

    {Sheep sorrel}. (Bot.), a prerennial herb ({Rumex
    Acetosella}) growing naturally on poor, dry, gravelly
    soil. Its leaves have a pleasant acid taste like sorrel.

    {Sheep's-wool} (Zo["o]l.), the highest grade of Florida
    commercial sponges ({Spongia equina}, variety

    {Sheep tick} (Zo["o]l.), a wingless parasitic insect
    ({Melophagus ovinus}) belonging to the Diptera. It fixes
    its proboscis in the skin of the sheep and sucks the
    blood, leaving a swelling. Called also {sheep pest}, and
    {sheep louse}.

    {Sheep walk}, a pasture for sheep; a sheep run.

    {Wild sheep}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Argali}, {Mouflon}, and

    1. Although drought regularly depletes sources of food and water for cattle, camels and sheep, there is resistance to sacrificing some animals to improve the others' chances. Tradition exposes further clashes between economics and environment.
    2. Today, his 1,000 acres of land and the sheep on it are worth less than half what they were four years ago.
    3. In Britain, wool represents only between 5 and 10 per cent of a sheep's market value.
    4. Nicholas Soames, junior agriculture minister, yesterday said sheep dogs were the victims of illegal, indiscriminate poisoning by some farmers wanting to kill predators.
    5. According to the director of the Navajo Wool and Mohair Marketing Industry in Shiprock, N.M., an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 sheep producers are located on the Navajo reservation.
    6. Even though the military appeared relatively confident, soldiers along the highway were reinforcing posts and building new security areas where sheep once roamed and wild grass grew.
    7. The following year, in 1885, sheep were estimated at 49.6 million.
    8. Thirty adult visitors also could have come in contact with the sheep.
    9. "By slipping this wolf into sheep's clothing, Ford avoided up to $200 million in gas-guzzler taxes," Ditlow wrote in a letter to Environmental Protection Agency Administrator William Reilly.
    10. A cow or sheep, for example, might be a cheaper means of producing genetically engineered drugs than bacteria and yeasts.
    11. A survey of sheep ranchers by Agriculture Department researchers shows flocks are less likely to be attacked by coyotes, wild dogs and other predators if a burly guard dog is on watch.
    12. Mrs. Freeman makes "artificial pockets, soil buckets," by excavating the clay to a good depth and replacing it with "decent soil, compost and a bit of dried sheep manure or pigeon dung."
    13. A local newspaper cartoon suggested that even Bambi will need a lawyer if Dorrance's plans to create a full scale game ranch with wild boar, ibex and mouflon sheep were realized.
    14. He spends summer months familiarising himself with the properties, down to the sheep dogs and garden parasols, and completes the scene in his studio in the winter.
    15. Scores of cattle and sheep farmers broke into a slaughterhouse and burned seven tons of imported German and Irish meat to protest foreign competition, police said today.
    16. I am happy to line up behind a Colorado dish that shows the state at its most authentic: Rocky Mountain oysters (ovoid sheep organs that separate rams from ewes).
    17. Qunu is a typical rural village in South Africa, made up of a few hundred mud-and-thatch huts and free roaming goats, chickens, sheep and cattle.
    18. The first shipment has been sold to sheep producers in South Dakota, Parmely said.
    19. Mr Clark said: 'Farmers have been told for years that keeping more sheep is good.
    20. A multimillion-dollar opera-ballet starring 8,000 dancers and musicians, 100 sheep, two elephants and a locomotive will highlight July 14 celebrations of the 200th anniversary of the storming of the Bastille prison.
    21. Edwin J. Andrews, dean of the veterinary school, said the university discovered that the flock included inoculated sheep on May 24 after another researcher asked if the animals had been used in other experiments.
    22. "They are still the best non-lethal method we've got to protect sheep against coyotes and other predators on the open range," Coppinger said.
    23. I am not leading a herd of sheep, but people who are freedom fighters,' he said.
    24. So embarrassing. Harrods was noisier: lots of common folk, foreigners in the main, Brazilian cement kings and Australian princesses hocking the sheep farm.
    25. If you have trouble falling asleep, try counting these people instead of sheep.
    26. The film cuts to a pathetic-looking Soviet officer, with an ill-fitting uniform and poor equipment, standing dazed in the middle of the street like a brain-damaged sheep.
    27. Oldennburg said one of the sheep caught Tuesday, a 4-year-old ram, appeared weak and in poor health, but he attributed that to two years of drought and winter hardships rather than pneumonia.
    28. It puts sheep farmers under the same limitations as other commodity producers.
    29. But it pretty much has to be coyotes," says Cole, 67, who tends 100 head of sheep on his 200-acre Greene County farm.
    30. The combination has been shown to keep a coyote away from sheep for an average of 93 days, Parmely said.
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