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 seesaw ['si:sɒ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 跷跷板, 跷跷板游戏, 起伏交替的动作

a. 上下或前后摇动的, 交互的

vi. 玩跷跷板, 上下或来回摇动

vt. 使上下或来回摇动

    [ noun ]
    1. a plaything consisting of a board balanced on a fulcrum; the board is ridden up and down by children at either end

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ verb ]
    1. ride on a plank

    2. <verb.motion> teeter-totter teetertotter
    3. move up and down as if on a seesaw

    4. <verb.motion>
    5. move unsteadily, with a rocking motion

    6. <verb.motion>
      teeter totter

    Seesaw \See"saw`\, n. [Probably a reduplication of saw, to
    express the alternate motion to and fro, as in the act of
    1. A play among children in which they are seated upon the
    opposite ends of a plank which is balanced in the middle,
    and move alternately up and down.

    2. A plank or board adjusted for this play.

    3. A vibratory or reciprocating motion.

    He has been arguing in a circle; there is thus a
    seesaw between the hypothesis and fact. --Sir W.

    4. (Whist.) Same as {Crossruff}.

    Seesaw \See"saw`\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Seesawad}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Seesawing}.]
    To move with a reciprocating motion; to move backward and
    forward, or upward and downward.

    Seesaw \See"saw`\, v. t.
    To cause to move backward and forward in seesaw fashion.

    He seesaws himself to and fro. --Ld. Lytton.

    Seesaw \See"saw`\, a.
    Moving up and down, or to and fro; having a reciprocating

    Crossruff \Cross"ruff`\ (-r?f`), n. (Whist)
    The play in bridge or whist where partners trump each a
    different suit, and lead to each other for that purpose; --
    called also {seesaw}.

    1. Cambodian guerrillas claimed they overran three key government positions today in a major attack to retake a strategic northwestern town destroyed in recent months by seesaw fighting.
    2. The stock market ended modestly higher Wednesday after a seesaw session in which prices were pushed up and down by program trading.
    3. Increasing indications of a possible Iraq-U.S. showdown in the vital oil-producing region transfixed professional investors and speculators through most of the day and made many markets seesaw without warning.
    4. Many think the trade imbalance improved in September, though they're quick to note the seesaw pattern in recent months.
    5. Meanwhile, London shares ended higher in a seesaw session.
    6. The seesaw is likely to stay in movement, with more and more grating." Arab editorialists reacted strongly to what Bush and Dukakis told a B'Nai B'rith assembly Sept. 7 in Baltimore.
    7. In Nevada, Democratic Gov. Richard Bryan narrowly defeated freshman GOP incumbent Chic Hecht after a seesaw battle.
    8. Treasury Securities Bond prices ended narrowly mixed after a day of seesaw trading activity.
    9. The hard-won bipartisan compromise, the result of a summer of seesaw negotiations, centers on a large-scale work, education and training program to be aimed primarily at welfare mothers.
    10. A similar provision was killed on procedural grounds after a seesaw battle in the House in August.
    11. New York, already important by virtue of the 255 delegates at stake in its primary, takes on an added significance because of the seesaw race being run by Jackson and Dukakis.
    12. Stock prices opened mixed and continued to seesaw.
    13. Because bond fund shares seesaw, returns usually vary more than they do with money funds.
    14. But seesaw gyrations in the Dow Jones Industrial Average yesterday put Wall Street back in the spotlight and inspired market participants to bid the U.S. unit lower.
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