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 renewal [ri'nju:әl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 更新, 革新, 复兴, 恢复, 修补, 补充, 继续, 重订, 重申, 续借

[经] 更新, 换新, 重申

    [ noun ]
    1. the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation

    2. <noun.act>
    3. the act of renewing

    4. <noun.act>
    5. filling again by supplying what has been used up

    6. <noun.process>

    Renewal \Re*new"al\ (-al), n.
    The act of renewing, or the state of being renewed; as, the
    renewal of a treaty.

    1. The Soviets say renewal of diplomatic ties with Israel depends on progress in the Middle East peace process.
    2. It is admired for its wooing of foreign investors, land reclamation and fostering of partnerships in urban renewal - the decrepit state of many Welsh towns is at last being tackled.
    3. He has offered to manage the Chelsea school district for 10 years and transform it into a model for urban school renewal.
    4. The United States hopes that dialogue will commence at an early date and that Czechoslovakia will follow the path explored by Poland and Hungary to political and economic renewal.
    5. The gesture coincides with Washington's decision, due by next week, on renewal of China's Most Favoured Nation trading status.
    6. Publisher Rupert Murdoch says he's selling his Boston television station because of his "great uncertainty" over renewal of his exemption from the federal ban on ownership of a newspaper and TV station in the same city.
    7. The Dohany-Utca synagogue in downtown Budapest, a Reformed temple targeted for renewal, is central Europe's largest.
    8. If Mr Blair is serious about putting education at the centre of his agenda for national renewal, he must ensure that Labour's policy papers match his rhetoric.
    9. Fortunately, a diverse system carries within it the seeds for its own renewal.
    10. Now they need to show what they can add. The answer lies in Mr Blair's favourite word, renewal.
    11. Experts say tourism could also become an important moneymaker in East Germany, but enormous and costly renewal efforts would be needed.
    12. That accomplished, he has seen a historic chance to sow, on the leveled ground of Poland and other Catholic nations of Eastern Europe, a spiritual renewal that could extend to an irreligious and consumer-crazed West.
    13. Chairs in entrepreneurship, in contrast, are funded primarily to foster concerns for risk-taking, whether in the formation of new enterprises or in the renewal and revitalization of existing ones.
    14. Yankee Rowe's license is scheduled to expire in the year 2000 but it plans to seek an early renewal.
    15. In a front-page notice to readers, Neues Deutschland said the moves were needed to promote renewal.
    16. But there had been a debate inside his administration on whether to attach some conditions on the renewal requiring that China improve its humanrights and arms-proliferation record or lose its preferential trade treatment.
    17. He nearly lost his pharmacy license when state officials did not send the usual renewal notice.
    18. BR's maintenance and track renewal companies are to be privatised and work will also be offered to other outside contractors. Railtrack is already accepting bids from maintenance companies in other regions in preference to the 'local' company.
    19. NOTTINGHAM City Council was yesterday given formal approval for a Pounds 37.5m urban renewal City Challenge plan - the first such programme to go ahead. The five-year project is to regenerate two depressed areas of the city, Sneinton and St Ann's.
    20. 'The task of national renewal is to provide opportunity and security in this world of change,' he said.
    21. The Military Bases Agreement was signed in 1947, the year after the Philippines became independent, and come up for renewal every five years.
    22. "The crux of economic renewal in Vietnam lies in the transition from a bureaucratic, centrally planned economy to a market economy regulated at the macro-level by the state," he said.
    23. Since then, Lacey's feeling is that the atmosphere in Derry has improved considerably. The Tower Museum itself is a curious structure, built in the 1980s as a symbol of Derry's renewal. The finale remains to be settled.
    24. MBI Business Centers Inc. won a renewal of a contract to operate three personal-computer stores for the federal government, the General Services Administration said.
    25. Xinhua had said earlier that only a "small number of Americans, under the pretext of so-called human rights, opposed the renewal of China's MFN status.
    26. The renewal offer was in the contract as well as the company's advertising, he said.
    27. Such courage was very scarce when the act came up for renewal in Congress during 1982.
    28. It will run parallel to the S-Bahn overground railway, and will be used after the games, limiting the cost to the organisers. Like Berlin, Manchester is using its campaign to stress the city's quest for renewal after a period of fraught recent history.
    29. He had put Hong Kong's case for an unconditional renewal of MFN and added that it was possible to 'devise conditions that do less damage' to the colony.
    30. There has been no improvement of conditions in Tibet, but China has promised to provide information on 106 Tibetan prisoners. US officials have also suggested that China's co-operation on MFN this year may bring an end to the annual renewal process.
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