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 relish ['reliʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 滋味, 风味, 美味, 爱好, 食欲, 调味品

vt. 调味, 喜欢, 玩味

vi. 有味道

    [ noun ]
    1. vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment

    2. <noun.feeling>
    3. spicy or savory condiment

    4. <noun.food>
    5. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

    6. <noun.cognition>
    [ verb ]
    1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in

    2. <verb.emotion> bask enjoy savor savour
      She relished her fame and basked in her glory

    Relish \Rel"ish\, n. (Carp.)
    The projection or shoulder at the side of, or around, a
    tenon, on a tenoned piece. --Knight.

    Relish \Rel"ish\, n.
    1. A pleasing taste; flavor that gratifies the palate; hence,
    enjoyable quality; power of pleasing.

    Much pleasure we have lost while we abstained
    From this delightful fruit, nor known till now
    True relish, tasting. --Milton.

    When liberty is gone,
    Life grows insipid, and has lost its relish.

    2. Savor; quality; characteristic tinge.

    It preserve some relish of old writing. --Pope.

    3. A taste for; liking; appetite; fondness.

    A relish for whatever was excelent in arts.

    I have a relish for moderate praise, because it bids
    fair to be j?dicious. --Cowper.

    4. That which is used to impart a flavor; specifically,
    something taken with food to render it more palatable or
    to stimulate the appetite; a condiment.

    Syn: Taste; savor; flavor; appetite; zest; gusto; liking;

    Relish \Rel"ish\ (r?l"?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Relished}
    (-?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Relishing}.] [Of. relechier to lick
    or taste anew; pref. re- re-+ lechier to lick, F. l?cher. See
    {Lecher}, {Lick}.]
    1. To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of; to
    partake of with gratification; hence, to enjoy; to be
    pleased with or gratified by; to experience pleasure from;
    as, to relish food.

    Now I begin to relish thy advice. --Shak.

    He knows how to prize his advantages, and to relish
    the honors which he enjoys. --Atterbury.

    2. To give a relish to; to cause to taste agreeably.

    A savory bit that served to relish wine. --Dryden.

    Relish \Rel"ish\, v. i.
    To have a pleasing or appetizing taste; to give
    gratification; to have a flavor.

    Had I been the finder-out of this secret, it would not
    have relished among my other discredits. --Shak.

    A theory, which, how much soever it may relish of wit
    and invention, hath no foundation in nature.

    1. I relish the masters of "nonsense" (the likes of Lewis Carroll or Edward Lear), which at its best is a fanciful form of sense.
    2. Unlike many past presidents who used vacations to get out of the limelight, Bush seemed to relish the chance to show off his recreational penchants.
    3. In his own language he is declamatory, rolling the words around his tongue with the relish of a wine-taster.
    4. John Normington keeps his Albany down to a level of intense decency, and Owen Teale plays the bastard brother Edmund with expansive relish, while Simon Dormandy taps an authentic, even psychopathic vein for his horrifying Cornwall.
    5. The Treuhand would relish a Yes to both questions.
    6. International, don't relish that prospect.
    7. Nor does he relish the fact that the bounce of a ball can change the outcome of a football game.
    8. At a time when members of Congress and the administration have grown frustrated with the cultural and trade impediments to the sale of American products in Asia and Europe, we should relish Mexico's preference for American-made goods.
    9. It's doubtful, however, that we will relish similar monkeyshines on the part of characters supposedly shedding blood, sweat and tears in Vietnam.
    10. The programme is aimed to appeal to local accountants, estate agents, etc, who relish the chance to make business contacts in an arty environment.
    11. Rather than backing away, the congressman seems to relish being questioned on his defense votes.
    12. He will be missed, too." While police unravel the mystery, Hutchins' family can at least relish the outpouring of friendship from their community.
    13. Journalists, who seem to relish exposing the frailties of social leaders, are themselves accused of moral laxity.
    14. In contrast to Mr. Chapman's unease, Mr. Neuharth appears to relish his role as owner of the paper likely to survive.
    15. Mr. Abudawood, the Jidda industrialist, is among those who relish the coming opportunities.
    16. 'That's not a process that I relish,' he says.
    17. Barnes, the Dukakis platform team leader, was asked if the Dukakis campaign would relish an opportunity in Atlanta to reject a minority plank favoring a tax hike.
    18. Greens will be shocked by its morbid relish for urban decay and global despair.
    19. They appear to relish the human contact _ nuzzling kisses on the cheeks of young women, wagging their powerful tails to stand in the water and "dance," and even flying out of the water to turn somersaults above swimmers' heads.
    20. Instead, they give a picture of two men who relish intelligent debate over economic policy issues. As the chancellor told the Confederation of British Industry dinner on Tuesday night: 'I share the same aim of low inflation and sound money.
    21. Castro confided to a visitor recently that he hasn't had a day off in months because mf his accumulating troubles, but he also seems to relish the new challenges.
    22. Did he relish being the "stopper" of his team's 0-2 Series start?
    23. Mostly, however, he said whatever he wanted, with relish.
    24. But as a barefoot anthropologist I relish their arrival as if I were an archaeologist who found 10 Rosetta Stones a day, and on my own doorstep, to boot.
    25. They even relish heavy clay. With a large budget, one might be tempted by Bowlby's new introduction, Allium 'Beau Regarde'.
    26. With a US fixed-interest portfolio of around Dollars 4bn, Royal cannot relish any further plunge in bonds.
    27. All this is considered great fun by these amateur woodsmen, who relish the camaraderie that develops among people sharing pain.
    28. Both have impressive educational backgrounds and relish intellectual combat.
    29. There is a brisk trade in Soviet gold and television sets outside the elegant turn-of-the-century officers' center. Shopkeepers rely on the well-paid soldiers and their families, who relish the relatively comfortable five-year tours in Poland.
    30. Companies and corporate planners don't relish thinking about such a grim subject.
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