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 rehearsal [rɪ'hɚsl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 预演, 排演, 练习, 叙述, 复述

[法] 详述, 列举事实, 复述

    [ noun ]
    1. a practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert)

    2. <noun.act>
      he missed too many rehearsals
      a rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding
    3. (psychology) a form of practice; repetition of information (silently or aloud) in order to keep it in short-term memory

    4. <noun.act>

    Rehearsal \Re*hears"al\ (r?*h?rs"a), n.
    The act of rehearsing; recital; narration; repetition;
    specifically, a private recital, performance, or season of
    practice, in preparation for a public exhibition or exercise.

    In rehearsal of our Lord's Prayer. --Hooker.

    Here's marvelous convenient place for our rehearsal.

    {Dress rehearsal} (Theater), a private preparatory
    performance of a drama, opera, etc., in costume.

    1. By that time I had already played 100,000 games." Organizers said the festival was a dress rehearsal for the National Bridge Festival, which is to resume this summer at Mamaia, on the Black Sea.
    2. "Andrew Dice Clay did not do this in rehearsal and we were very surprised by it.
    3. When he gave tapes for mental rehearsal to Paul Rendall and Jeff Probyn, England's props, he received a dusty answer.
    4. A successful launch rehearsal that ended with a mock emergency landing will make it easier to conduct the real thing when space shuttle flights resume, NASA officials say.
    5. It should become second nature. Because of the makeup and working with it during rehearsal, I was able to do the role without thinking about it." Lemmon's preparation also included studying the elderly.
    6. Such feelings remained rare for this listener with only two hearings of the new concerto (a rehearsal run-through and the first performance).
    7. Otherwise, it is the Munich formula as usual: end-of-season offerings performed by glossy names on little or no rehearsal to often scrappy, lacklustre effect.
    8. Every day there were three hours of rehearsal for the two dozen singers, selected at village festivals and competitions.
    9. The astronauts met reporters Tuesday following a three-hour launch pad exercise in which they inspected Discovery and the communications satellite in its cargo bay and walked through a rehearsal of emergency escape procedures.
    10. The shipments, to begin next week, are partly intended as a rehearsal in the event that greater amounts of blood are required later, the Red Cross said.
    11. The East German election is seen by many as a dress rehearsal for West German elections in December and West German politicians have worked hard to build up an East German base for the time when unification comes.
    12. Watching the set like a nervous stage father during a pre-Broadway rehearsal of the South African musical "Sarafina!"
    13. Atlantis' five astronauts completed a countdown rehearsal inside the shuttle Saturday for their classified military mission later this month.
    14. "I did my first `La Boheme' for $250 for two weeks of rehearsal and three performances," he says. "I also learned a lot about supply and demand in this business.
    15. "To me, the interesting thing about work is finding the character, and the rehearsal.
    16. Actress Tallulah Bankhead, after watching him in rehearsal, offered this come-on: "Darling, I have gone mad over your back muscles.
    17. The network later apologized for what it called a technical error by engineers during a rehearsal for scheduled live broadcast of the ballot count.
    18. Atlanta is on the world map." The 1988 Democratic National Convention provided a smaller-scale dress rehearsal for events the city is now committed to staging, he said, adding that Atlanta managed the attention well then.
    19. In 1969, the "Apollo 10" astronauts returned to Earth after a successful eight-day dress rehearsal for the first manned moon landing.
    20. Conductor Richard Chalkley told the adult choir at the dress rehearsal for the Manama Singers annual Christmas concert they should try to look more upbeat.
    21. The new production, subtitled "Miss Hannigan's Revenge," goes into rehearsal next month and begins an out-of-town tryout Dec. 22 at Washington's Kennedy Center.
    22. Typically, Ellington would compose a tune, try it out in rehearsal, make changes and continue to revise over the course of many performances.
    23. A typical evaluation could involve asking a music teacher to bring a videotape of an orchestra rehearsal or asking a teacher to come to an assessment center to defend his or her methods, Kelly said.
    24. The Opera Bastille is a musician's dream with rehearsal rooms galore _ three for the orchestra, two for ballet, two for the chorus, 16 studios for singers and 12 for musicians.
    25. The choir employs 13 paid tutors who help with homework for two hours every weekday before the two-hour rehearsal begins.
    26. Fly to France shared rehearsal space with Toronto friends who formed the Cowboy Junkies.
    27. We have tomorrow the final dress rehearsal.
    28. "The process had been so overheated what with all the rewrites, the short, short rehearsal time and that tiny theater at Second Stage and no money," Nelligan says. "Getting it on stage and having it survive all those things was hard.
    29. He and others fear that increased focus on the bottom line is resulting in reduced rehearsal time, low wages, and selection of simpler, more marketable plays.
    30. "I always avoided the big orchestras, which can follow only one track, and I avoided living under the pressure of big cities," he said. "Big symphonies can not afford much rehearsal time and if they give it they will cry still one year after.
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