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 recycle [ri'saɪkl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使再循环, 重新利用, 再制

n. 再循环

[经] 回收利用

    [ verb ]
    1. cause to repeat a cycle

    2. <verb.motion>
    3. use again after processing

    4. <verb.consumption> reprocess reuse
      We must recycle the cardboard boxes

    1. "Providing customers with an ability to recycle in their stores is an important first step," Denison said in an interview from Washington, D.C.
    2. It then could tell German authorities that it was going to recycle the waste in its French subsidiary at lower costs.'
    3. At Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co., which has one of the most extensive programs, investment-recovery manager M.G. Shaver boasts he can recycle just about anything.
    4. Japanese bankers noted that Tokyo consistently has been prodded by its major trading partners to recycle more of its huge trade surplus to the Third World.
    5. DataVault Corp. has found a way to recycle one of the Nike missile sites that was built in New England during the 1950s to protect against bomber attacks.
    6. Mobil plans to tout its program as the first national effort to recycle such bags, but will probably run into an immediate challenge from its chief rival as to which company became environmentally conscious first.
    7. Households that recycle get a $7 discount.
    8. Support legislation encouraging industry to modify manufacturing processes to eliminate hazardous wastes; reduce, reuse and recycle what is produced.
    9. Five law students in Washington, D.C., sued against an Interstate Commerce Commission freight rate change they said would reduce the incentive to recycle.
    10. The Japanese banks have run down their foreign borrowings to a point where they do not have much left to play with. That implies long-term capital will have to start flowing out of the country again to recycle the surplus.
    11. To help ward this off, Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone has proposed a program to recycle some $20 billion of liquidity.
    12. Besides learning math by counting the cans and science by weighing them, Ms. Via's 25 students talked about the scarcity of natural resources and why it is cheaper to recycle aluminum than to mine the ore used to make the metal.
    13. Gardener's Supply Co. of Burlington, Vt., last year set up a program to recycle glossy catalog paper, which many recyclers won't accept.
    14. Under contract with Amoco Corp., wTe developed a process for the McDonald's Corp. chain to recycle polystyrene containers tossed away with half-eaten hamburgers and paper.
    15. Significantly, News Corporation is choosing to recycle its proceeds into regional satellite television, which skirts such regulatory worries.
    16. A major worry of many small businesses: new environmental taxes, aimed at forcing companies to recycle solvents and other materials.
    17. The chairman of the ANPA's Newsprint Resource Task Force said publishers should move quickly to recycle newsprint to keep the government from imposing regulations.
    18. The prize will create more items to recycle: a $1,000 grocery store certificate.
    19. The DSD's most counter-productive success has been in collecting plastic, which is technologically difficult - and thus uneconomic - to recycle.
    20. The clash between recycling interests and poor people looking through garbage cans to find aluminum cans or newspapers to recycle is inevitable, some say.
    21. He told stockholders the company had adopted 10 performance-based principles developed by the Chemical Manufacturers Association and joined with other manufacturers to form a national company to recycle polystyrene plastics.
    22. And "Give Trash a Second Chance" gets only an R rating _ four Rs, that is: reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.
    23. Workers and nearby residents can urge companies to recycle.
    24. He added that he hoped the process of German economic unification would recycle West German surpluses in Europe.
    25. It is significant that both bidders highlight the need to recycle rather than add capacity. All superstore groups are scaling back their once manic opening programmes - although that partly reflects a stricter planning regime.
    26. Twenty years later, Americans are again being coaxed to make changes that start at home _ consume green, recycle, conserve.
    27. Dow Chemical Co. and a Canadian company, Domtar Inc. of Montreal, will form a joint venture to recycle discarded plastic for use in manufacturing, the companies said today.
    28. Some such capacity, however, will be required _ if only to recycle old warheads to glean the materials for a much smaller deterrent force.
    29. "I can recycle old material, too."
    30. Mr Marshall Gittler, bond analyst at Merrill Lynch in Tokyo, said: 'The Ministry of Finance is trying to recycle postal funds into the financial system.' The finance ministry plans a Y100bn purchase of government bonds every month.
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