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 ranging [rendʒ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 距离修正, 广泛搜索

    [ adj ]
    wandering freely
    at night in bed...his slowly ranging thoughts...encountered her

    Range \Range\ (r[=a]nj), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Ranged}
    (r[=a]njd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Ranging} (r[=a]n"j[i^]ng).] [OE.
    rengen, OF. rengier, F. ranger, OF. renc row, rank, F. rang;
    of German origin. See {Rank}, n.]
    1. To set in a row, or in rows; to place in a regular line or
    lines, or in ranks; to dispose in the proper order; to
    rank; as, to range soldiers in line.

    Maccabeus ranged his army by bands. --2 Macc. xii.

    2. To place (as a single individual) among others in a line,
    row, or order, as in the ranks of an army; -- usually,
    reflexively and figuratively, (in the sense) to espouse a
    cause, to join a party, etc.

    It would be absurd in me to range myself on the side
    of the Duke of Bedford and the corresponding
    society. --Burke.

    3. To separate into parts; to sift. [Obs.] --Holland.

    4. To dispose in a classified or in systematic order; to
    arrange regularly; as, to range plants and animals in
    genera and species.

    5. To rove over or through; as, to range the fields.

    Teach him to range the ditch, and force the brake.

    6. To sail or pass in a direction parallel to or near; as, to
    range the coast.

    Note: Compare the last two senses (5 and 6) with the French
    ranger une c[^o]te.

    7. (Biol.) To be native to, or to live in; to frequent.

    1. Hundreds of people _ ranging from Ku Klux Klansmen carrying Rebel flags to black students singing "We Shall Overcome" _ gathered outside the Capitol for Reed's attempt.
    2. They also are used to amplify signals from devices ranging from stereos to communication satellites.
    3. Nick Wantiez of the local FAA office said Monday the investigation also would cover airline complaints ranging from wrong parts to incorrectly installed firefighting systems.
    4. Dye says no one has been killed or injured from the 30,960 probes he had sold at prices ranging up to $29.95 since starting the business six years ago, and only one person had been known to receive a shock.
    5. The 18 males and 12 females, ranging in age from 13 to 43, received their new kidneys as far back as 1975.
    6. For 1987, securities analysts are estimating profit will rise to about $2.75 a share, with some estimates ranging as high as $3 a share.
    7. Instead of a flat 10% penalty on the amount due, a new law substitutes penalties ranging from 2% to 10%, depending on how late the payment is made.
    8. To promote his plan, Uno quickly threw himself into a series of bilateral meetings with leaders of countries both rich and poor, ranging from the United States and Great Britain to Bangladesh and Mexico.
    9. He said people were especially interested in water-saving shower heads, which Goodman's stocks at prices ranging from $5 to $40. "The expensive ones have more adjustments for the spray," Pappas said.
    10. He said the company's stock is trading at about $45 a share, while the insiders sold their shares at prices ranging from $42 to $45 a share.
    11. The other 20, ranging from 3 pounds to 8 pounds, occupy a pond in his basement.
    12. But the party makes specific overtures to a number of groups ranging from "Americans with disabilities" and Native Americans to Hawaiians and residents of Guam.
    13. The firms, he said, made payments ranging from $5,000 to "the low six figures."
    14. BAT, a large conglomerate with interests ranging from tobacco to financial services and retailing, also is selling its Saks Fifth Avenue division.
    15. In the two Journal surveys covering that period, outside secondary-market firms reported prices ranging from $377 to $675.
    16. As previously reported, Chicago-based Santa Fe last week said it received seven bids for the Southern Pacific, ranging from $750 million to more than $1 billion.
    17. The human rights monitor Africa Watch has accused the Angolan government and U.S. backed rebels of abuses ranging from indiscriminate use of land mines to restricting the movement of civilians.
    18. The agency has spent the past year gathering Warsaw Pact equipment ranging from radios to radar and from tracked vehicles to fighter aircraft.
    19. When Robins filed for protection, the company had settled about two-thirds of approximately 15,000 lawsuits brought by women who alleged injuries ranging from infections to sterility to miscarriage from using the IUD.
    20. The court sentenced six other officers to terms ranging from 12 to 20 years for their involvement in the aborted revolt.
    21. Experts say consumer products ranging from compact disk players to videocassette recorders have become so advanced that in some respects they are more sophisticated than mainframe computers or nuclear missiles.
    22. For reasons ranging from federalism to fatalism, the feelings stirred by the drought differ from the utter despair that gripped the agricultural Midwest as recently as 1984.
    23. In its 38 years, The Nature Conservancy has saved threatened lands ranging from 343 square miles of rare New Mexican desert grassland to a heron feeding ground on nine-tenths of an acre of Connecticut marsh.
    24. "They are just more inclined to spend it at value-oriented businesses." And at Designs Inc., a chain specializing in Levi Strauss clothes ranging in price from $20 to $40, sales at stores open at least a year are up 16% so far this month.
    25. The others are running on even more obscure lines, ranging from the Independent Progressive to the Workers World parties.
    26. Condor Partners sold more than 186,000 UAL shares on the open market between Nov. 6 and last Monday at prices ranging between $97 and $100 a share, according to the filing.
    27. Along with the makeshift glasses and scopes, the most popular items at sidewalk stalls in advance of the eclipse were baseball caps at $1.50 or less and T-shirts ranging in price from $1.75 to $6.
    28. Ms. Duvall, meanwhile, "has been the most successful in getting big-name talent to work for cable," Mr. Sie said, persuading stars ranging from Joan Collins to Mick Jagger to appear on her cable programs.
    29. Complicating the issue is a big block of undecided voters, ranging as high as 40 percent in some surveys.
    30. Other cars and trucks in the program can qualify for interest rates as low as 4.9 percent and rebates ranging from $300 to $2,000, depending on model.
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