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 quandary ['kwɒndәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 困惑, 迷惑, 为难

    [ noun ]
    1. a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one

    2. <noun.state>
      finds himself in a most awkward predicament
      the woeful plight of homeless people
    3. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options

    4. <noun.cognition>

    Quandary \Quan"da*ry\, n.; pl. {Quandaries}. [Prob. fr. OE.
    wandreth adversity, perplexity, Icel. wandr[ae][eth]i
    difficulty, trouble, fr. vandr difficult.]
    A state of difficulty or perplexity; doubt; uncertainty.

    Quandary \Quan"da*ry\, v. t.
    To bring into a state of uncertainty, perplexity, or
    difficulty. [Obs.] --Otway.

    1. Jenson, who has since married her fiance, said she is proud of the state and angry that French is publicizing the case as a moral quandary.
    2. Mike F. Hamper, senior vice president, marketing, for Oki's U.S. unit, said his company "is really in a quandary because we don't import any of the products" on the list.
    3. The AIDS issue poses a special quandary for conservatives, who must find ways of dealing with the health problem without condoning homosexual behavior or highlighting general issues involving homosexuals.
    4. "The name has got a magic connotation." The quandary facing Britain's Labor Party emerged starkly at its recent annual convention here: how to broaden its appeal without seeming to clutch at Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's coattails.
    5. The president initiated the exchange of proverbs at his Washington summit meeting with Gorbachev in December, when he referred to the quandary of arms control negotiations. "Doveryai, no proveryai (trust, but verify)," he said.
    6. Experts say student reaction at Harvard highlights a nationwide quandary among the best and brightest youth whose eagerness to take low-paying public interest jobs runs up against the lure of money.
    7. Ms. Matthias's experience illustrates the quandary that confronts up-and-coming retailers who want the exposure and traffic that comes with a mall address.
    8. "But there's a difficult quandary for business here," he added.
    9. The decade-old quandary over what to do with the US's nuclear waste has erupted into legal controversy.
    10. Yet federal authorities remain in a quandary over how best to show a food product's contribution to recommended daily nutrient intakes.
    11. Now Ms. Temple is in a quandary.
    12. Latin America appears to be in a quandary over Panama and its military ruler, Gen.
    13. Ungo and Ruben Zamora, another Democratic Convergence leader, presented a constitutional solution to the election date quandary.
    14. "Bush may be unbeatable in 1991," says Sen. John Breaux of Louisiana, "but 1992 may be completely different." Kevin Phillips, a maverick Republican theoretician, says the moderate Democrats are in a quandary.
    15. He is seeking alcoholism counselling. The Senate faces a quandary over what to do about these latest charges.
    16. Now Mr. Assad faces a quandary.
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