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 plausibly   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adv ]
    easy to believe on the basis of available evidence
    he talked plausibly before the committeehe will probably win the election

    Plausibly \Plau"si*bly\, adv.
    1. In a plausible manner.

    2. Contentedly, readily. [Obs.]

    The Romans plausibly did give consent. --Shak.

    1. But he does argue, plausibly, that having created deficits, other much-criticised aspects of policy then made sense.
    2. Could he plausibly interpret it as encouragement for the Fed to give primary emphasis to stabilizing the price level?
    3. Less plausibly perhaps, the relationship between wires and cancer could stem not from magnetic fields but some other nonelectrical environmental threat.
    4. Mr. Markowitz says maybe the subsidized S&L money pools did lead to overleveraging, and (perhaps plausibly) ignores Rudy Giuliani's 98-count indictment to take Connie Bruck's "Predator's Ball" as the last word on Michael Milken.
    5. Most of all, Saddam Hussein does have a capability that plausibly might wipe out half of Israel in a matter of hours: Soviet Scud B missiles armed with chemical warheads.
    6. It had become clear that Australia could not go on plausibly warning South Pacific states against Libya while it continued to give Libya a base in Canberra.
    7. But in the UK the phenomenon is more curious, given the uncertain economic outlook and the imminence of the election. It could plausibly be argued that private companies have until lately been crowded out of the UK market by the privatisation programme.
    8. It probably will take less time for Middle Eastern rulers to realize that they can no longer compel the aid of foreign powers, or plausibly blame them when things go wrong.
    9. Although drug use by the middle class had begun to level off before he took office, Mr. Bennett could plausibly brag that things didn't get worse, and possibly even improved, during his watch.
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