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 pepsin ['pepsin]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 胃蛋白酶, 胃液素

[化] 胃蛋白酶

[医] 胃蛋白酶

    [ noun ]
    an enzyme produced in the stomach that splits proteins into peptones

    Pepsin \Pep"sin\, n. [Gr. ? a cooking, digesting, digestion, fr.
    ?, ?, to cook, digest: cf. F. pepsine. Cf. {Dyspepsia}.]
    (Physiol. Chem.)
    An unorganized proteolytic ferment or enzyme contained in the
    secretory glands of the stomach. In the gastric juice it is
    united with dilute hydrochloric acid (0.2 per cent,
    approximately) and the two together constitute the active
    portion of the digestive fluid. It is the active agent in the
    gastric juice of all animals.

    Note: As prepared from the glandular layer of pigs' or
    calves' stomachs it constitutes an important article of

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