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 penciling ['blu'pɛnsl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 铅笔画, 毛笔画, 彩色细纹

    Penciling \Pen"cil*ing\, n. [Written also pencilling.]
    1. The work of the pencil or bruch; as, delicate penciling in
    a picture.

    2. (Brickwork) Lines of white or black paint drawn along a
    mortar joint in a brick wall. --Knight.

    Pencil \Pen"cil\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Penciled}or {Pencilled};
    p. pr. & vb. n. {Penciling} or {Pencilling}.]
    To write or mark with a pencil; to paint or to draw.

    Where nature pencils butterflies on flowers. --Harte.

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