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 ostensibly   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 可公开, 显然, 表面, 外表, 诡称, 假装

    [ adv ]
    from appearances alone
    irrigation often produces bumper crops from apparently desert landthe child is seemingly healthy but the doctor is concerned
    had been ostensibly frank as to his purpose while really concealing it
    on the face of it the problem seems minor

    Ostensibly \Os*ten"si*bly\ ([o^]s*t[e^]n"s[i^]*bl[y^]), adv.
    In an ostensible manner; avowedly; professedly; apparently.

    Ostensibly, we were intended to prevent filibustering
    into Texas, but really as a menace to Mexico. --U. S.

    1. "It ostensibly was a good API number for crude.
    2. Take highway "demonstration" projects, ostensibly funded by Washington because they showcase new roadbuilding methods; in fact they usually demonstrate nothing more than a Congressman's ability to bring home some pork.
    3. But Pratt asked few questions, complying with Israel's requests to name them subcontractors, ostensibly for Israeli security reasons, and taking its usual markup on the contracts.
    4. He says Mr. Antoniu placed an ad in Sports Illustrated magazine listing a Tampa location for a Sport-About outlet ostensibly operated by Mr. Harmon, along with Mr. Harmon's home phone number.
    5. All nine Afghan provinces bordering the Soviet Union recently were grouped to form a new "Northern Zone" with a de facto capital in Mazar-e-Sharif, ostensibly to coordinate development programs.
    6. After declaring martial law in 1972, Marcos banned political parties, then organized various "grass-roots" organizations ostensibly to invigorate and transform Philippine society.
    7. Now we learn there's a movement afoot to amend the act, ostensibly to make it more workable.
    8. The events now reaching a climax began last September, with the Paris bombings ostensibly carried out by a group of Lebanese demanding the release from French custody of George Ibrahim Abdallah and two other jailed terrorists.
    9. An estimated 700 fishing boats from Japan, Korea and Taiwan have been using driftnets ostensibly to fish for squid since the early 1980s.
    10. Lange ostensibly quit due to health reasons.
    11. They have said that they have suspended hostilities, ostensibly to assist in the government's efforts to hold Sukhumi.
    12. That's because he sees other, bigger factors at work that ostensibly will make stocks seem like veritable bargains.
    13. Sixteen U.S. environmental groups filed a suit in a federal district court here protesting plans by the Japanese whaling fleet to kill 300 whales in Antarctic waters, ostensibly for research purposes.
    14. He is charged with mailing 20,000 to 26,000 computer disks ostensibly providing information about AIDS but actually containing a "virus" program that prevented computers from accessing other information.
    15. A 1975 treaty signed by both superpowers bars possession of biological weapons and significant quantities of biological agents, but allows research ostensibly aimed at biowarfare defenses.
    16. He said he still is not free to travel abroad, ostensibly because of his access to secret material until 1968, but feels he is free to do and and say what he wants in the Soviet Union.
    17. Addressing the party's first general conference in nearly a half-century, Gorbachev also: _Called for guaranteeing peoples' right to privacy ostensibly granted by the 1977 Constitution.
    18. Both payments are under attack in Congress, because while the aid ostensibly supports the coalition faction of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, critics say it at least indirectly helps the Khmer Rouge, which is the country's strongest military force.
    19. He is ostensibly pro-Maastricht, but may well be unable to resist pressure from the farmers, probably egged on by Mr Chirac, for a confrontation with Brussels.
    20. This arrangement ostensibly serves to ensure that citizen-plaintiffs are motivated not by private gain but solely by public, environmental considerations.
    21. A visa he had to travel to the United States was revoked by the embassy in September, ostensibly because of his friendship with Noriega and other top military officers who hold power.
    22. Concern about Mr. Fernandez's actions on behalf of the contra-aid network continued to grow, however, and in September Mr. George and other top CIA officials finally recalled him to headquarters, ostensibly to serve on a promotion panel.
    23. Turkey invaded Cyprus, ostensibly to protect the Turkish Cypriot minority, in the wake of a coup by Greek Cypriot extremists seeking union with Greece.
    24. While most driftnets ostensibly are set for squid, critics say they illegally snag millions of dollars worth of U.S. and Canadian salmon.
    25. In exchange for what concessions from you?" A coalition called the National Democratic Union ostensibly governs Panama.
    26. THE IRISH government is ostensibly digging in its heels, in its fight to win IPounds 8bn (Pounds 7.7bn) from the European Community regional development programme for 1994-1999.
    27. The memorial was closed for most of 1989, ostensibly so the building could be repaired.
    28. Speakers at meetings ostensibly devoted to celebrations of historical occasions and monuments speak out against Westerners, Europeans and other non-Russians.
    29. Rose appears one day, ostensibly to help Mother with the children and the household.
    30. In the Paris attack, the assailant was a policeman, ostensibly breaking up a demonstration. Above all, in these difficult economic times, many travel in less comfort than they used to.
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