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 ostensible [ɒs'tensibl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 表面的, 假装的, 看得出的

[经] 表面的, 诡称的

    [ adj ]
    1. appearing as such but not necessarily so

    2. <adj.all>
      for all his apparent wealth he had no money to pay the rent
      the committee investigated some apparent discrepancies
      the ostensible truth of their theories
      his seeming honesty
    3. represented or appearing as such; pretended

    4. <adj.all>
      His ostensible purpose was charity, his real goal popularity

    Ostensible \Os*ten"si*ble\ ([o^]s*t[e^]n"s[i^]*b'l), a. [From L.
    ostensus, p. p. of ostendere to show, prop., to stretch out
    before; fr. prefix obs- (old form of ob-) + tendere to
    stretch. See {Tend}.]
    1. Capable of being shown; proper or intended to be shown.
    [R.] --Walpole.

    2. Outwardly appearing to be; shown to be; exhibited;
    apparent; evident.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    3. Declared; avowed; professed; pretended; -- often used as
    opposed to {real} or {actual}; as, an ostensible reason,
    motive, or aim. --D. Ramsay.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    1. Only the United States, they say, has made its ostensible goal the exportation of democracy and freedom as universal principles.
    2. The mortgage bank's branches were not even legally authorized to accept money from customers in the United States, authorities say. Rather, the U.S. branches were opened with the ostensible purpose of encouraging investment in Greece.
    3. Safety is the ostensible reason but in every previous race the decision over how much sail to carry safely has rested with each skipper. 'We've thought about arguing it through but we're not so stupid as to fight a losing battle,' said Dickson.
    4. The ostensible goal of all this is "a humane community," but "humane" is a one-way political street.
    5. The ostensible purpose to his current visit to Japan is to secure better access for US products in Japanese markets.
    6. The exact number is not known but the figure of 3m active and occasional boat users in Britain is commonly used. On the supply side of the equation the number of marina homes is quite unrelated to that ostensible demand.
    7. And the army - the ostensible target of an American invasion - is guiding the US forces to their positions around the country. All this may be the consequence of tactical decisions based on the changing circumstances.
    8. Its ostensible purpose is to ensure that the Chiefs won't be treated substantially better than the Indians when employee benefits are passed out.
    9. Although their ostensible purpose was to provide links between Ceausescu and the citizens, the councils had no powers.
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