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 no [no]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不, 拒绝, 否决票

a. 没有, 不是, 绝非


[医] 锘(102号元素)

    [ noun ]
    1. a negative

    2. <noun.communication>
      his no was loud and clear
    3. a radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding curium with carbon ions; 7 isotopes are known

    4. <noun.substance>
    [ adj ]
    1. quantifier; used with either mass nouns or plural count nouns for indicating a complete or almost complete lack or zero quantity of

    2. <adj.all>
      we have no bananas
      no eggs left and no money to buy any
      have you no decency?
      did it with no help
      I'll get you there in no time
    [ adv ]
    1. referring to the degree to which a certain quality is present

    2. <adv.all>
      he was no heavier than a child
    3. not in any degree or manner; not at all

    4. <adv.all>
      he is no better today
    5. used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement

    6. <adv.all>
      no, you are wrong

    Nitric \Ni"tric\, a. [Cf. F. nitrique. See {Niter}.] (Chem.)
    Of, pertaining to, or containing, nitrogen; specifically,
    designating any one of those compounds in which, as
    contrasted with {nitrous} compounds, the element has a higher
    valence; as, nitric oxide; nitric acid.

    {Nitric acid}, a colorless or yellowish liquid obtained by
    distilling a nitrate with sulphuric acid. It is powerfully
    corrosive, being a strong acid, and in decomposition a
    strong oxidizer.

    {Nitric anhydride}, a white crystalline oxide of nitrogen
    ({N2O5}), called {nitric pentoxide}, and regarded as the
    anhydride of nitric acid.

    {Nitric oxide}, a colorless poisous gas ({NO}) obtained by
    treating nitric acid with copper. On contact with the air
    or with oxygen, it becomes reddish brown from the
    formation of nitrogen dioxide ({NO2}, also called nitric
    dioxide or nitric peroxide).

    No \No\ (n[=o]), a. [OE. no, non, the same word as E. none; cf.
    E. a, an. See {None}.]
    Not any; not one; none; as, yes, we have no bananas; -- often
    used as a quantifier.

    Let there be no strife . . . between me and thee.
    --Gen. xiii.

    That goodness is no name, and happiness no dream.

    Note: In Old England before a vowel the form non or noon was
    used. ``No man.'' ``Noon apothercary.'' --Chaucer.

    No \No\, adv. [OE. no, na, AS. n[=a]; ne not + [=a] ever. AS. ne
    is akin to OHG. ni, Goth. ni, Russ. ne, Ir., Gael. & W. ni,
    L. ne, Gr. nh (in comp.), Skr. na, and also to E. prefix un-.
    [root] 193. See {Aye}, and cf. {Nay}, {Not}, {Nice},
    Nay; not; not at all; not in any respect or degree; -- a word
    expressing negation, denial, or refusal. Before or after
    another negative, no is emphatic.

    We do no otherwise than we are willed. --Shak.

    I am perplx'd and doubtful whether or no
    I dare accept this your congratulation. --Coleridge.

    There is none righteous, no, not one. --Rom. iii.

    No! Nay, Heaven forbid. --Coleridge.

    No \No\ (n[=o]), n.; pl. {Noes} (n[=o]z).
    1. A refusal by use of the word no; a denial.

    2. A negative vote; one who votes in the negative; as, to
    call for the ayes and noes; the noes have it.

    no \no.\ n.
    Number; -- the number designating place in an ordered
    sequence; as, no. 2. [abbrev.]
    [WordNet 1.5]

    nay \nay\ (n[=a]), adv. [Icel. nei; akin to E. no. See {No},
    1. No; -- a negative answer to a question asked, or a request
    made, now superseded by {no}. Opposed to {aye} or {yea}.
    See also {Yes}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    And eke when I say ``ye,'' ne say not ``nay.''

    I tell you nay; but except ye repent, ye shall all
    likewise perish. --Luke xiii.

    And now do they thrust us out privily? nay, verily;
    but let them come themselves and fetch us out.
    --Acts xvi.

    He that will not when he may,
    When he would he shall have nay. --Old Prov.

    Note: Before the time of Henry VIII. nay was used to answer
    simple questions, and no was used when the form of the
    question involved a negative expression; nay was the
    simple form, no the emphatic. --Skeat.

    2. Not this merely, but also; not only so, but; -- used to
    mark the addition or substitution of a more explicit or
    more emphatic phrase.

    Note: Nay in this sense may be interchanged with yea. ``Were
    he my brother, nay, my kingdom's heir.'' --Shak.

    1. For nervous Conservative backbenchers with an eye on the next election, that might be no bad thing.
    2. Secondly, there was no desk to spare in the whole office and one had to be bought.
    3. Closer inspection reveals no stitching - hours of detailed tying and dying have produced an amazing effect of design and texture. For intricate stitching, Cordsen shows off a hand-made silk appliqued outfit, comprising coat, dress and trousers.
    4. Noriega has had no way of monitoring the accounts since his arrest.
    5. Hospital officials said another four Panamanians remained hospitalized in "stable" condition but gave no further details.
    6. "If there's a meter there, we can't really turn down service as long as there are no safety problems," Liipfert says.
    7. Three members of the jury reached Friday by telephone said the show had no effect on their verdict, the Tampa Tribune reported Saturday.
    8. 'And you also wonder whether there really are that many opportunities out there in the first place.' THERE is no better measure of Saudi Arabia's business buoyancy than its stock market.
    9. Ahmed Shah, a guerrilla designated by the rebel alliance to head an all-rebel interim government, stood in the 95-degree heat and told the crowd his administration would soon move into Afghanistan. He gave no deadline.
    10. When asked how today's scholars might approach an altered version, Mr. Greetham described a form of advanced literary analysis known as Reception Theory, in which "authorial intention has no particular precedence.
    11. Pepsi in April withdrew its TV commercial featuring Madonna, saying consumers were confusing the music video with its ad, which contained no religious imagery.
    12. It's possible, but there is no reason to expect such an outcome.
    13. "The signals are so mixed that no one is taking a firm view one way or another," he said.
    14. While there appeared to be no damage to electrical or electronic systems, "we won't know for sure until we power up the vehicle," Utsman said.
    15. He made no comment, other than to point out the White House had issued a statement about Khomeini.
    16. One ad, no longer used by PCA, talked of $15,000 to $30,000 "with no additional work." Much of the advertising has cooled, partly in response to criticism.
    17. One ad, no longer used by PCA, talked of $15,000 to $30,000 "with no additional work." Much of the advertising has cooled, partly in response to criticism.
    18. They are tough." Miss Marimo's family frets, to no avail.
    19. As long as there is no loss of amenity and good use is made of existing public transport, developers can make residential developments profitable.
    20. The group has a strong position in Brazil, but so far no presence in China, where it is likely to go for joint ventures. Mr Herbert said: 'We've had the time and access for extensive research and due diligence.
    21. There was no panic." One of the officers on the governor's security detail also stayed with her, Schmidt and Manager said.
    22. He said two of them no longer live in the area but frequently return for visits.
    23. He said U.S. assertions of support for Lebanon's independence and calls for the departure of foreign troops are no substitute for a vigorous policy.
    24. Spokesman Richard Gulla says the reduction will be company wide, with no particular department targeted.
    25. The prospectus notes "there can be no assurance" that future growth will continue at past levels.
    26. Why is the company bucking the industry trend? Because, as Mr. Woodward and other insiders are quick to suggest, no one trend exists.
    27. There was no mention of that raid in the Iraqi communique, which declared that Iraq would inflict "further painful blows on the Iranian regime" until it complies with the U.N. Security Council cease-fire resolution passed last July 20.
    28. 'A strong management would take control of the situation, but there's no one with the guts or the knowhow to do it,' says one Philharmonic insider.
    29. One day American tourists will arrive at Heathrow Airport and find that English taxi drivers no longer speak English, or know where to find back streets and the English bed and breakfast will call itself a motel.
    30. There are no designated shipping lanes along the reef around the Florida Keys, Jackson said.
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