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 messaging   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    the sending and processing of e-mail by computer

    1. Because voice messaging can forward calls to be recorded if a subscriber's line is busy, company officials say they expect the new service will eliminate the need for answering machines, which do not have that capability.
    2. What this country needs is an Emily Post for facsimile machines, electronic mail, voice messaging, squawk boxes and car phones.
    3. He cites the X400 messaging standard as an example.
    4. Within the UK government, the Education Department is probably most advanced in its use of EDI and electronic messaging and all 117 education authorities have now been linked into its dedicated EDI network.
    5. In an attempt to take the "machineness" out of answering machines, some researchers are developing or refining "messaging systems" that, essentially, chat with callers.
    6. But the steep sales price, 25 times Istel's expected net income this year of about #7 million, shows just how hungry AT&T is for a foothold in electronic messaging.
    7. At Qualcomm, he used a satellite communications system to send greetings to 4,500 truckers nationwide whose rigs are equipped with OmniTRACS, messaging and position reporting computers.
    8. Bhd., received a license from the Malaysian government to develop a nationwide and international messaging system.
    9. The new service will include messaging, private line and data communications.
    10. This way customers can be confident that they will get a swift response to inquiries. For Wollaston, voice messaging is only one way to maintain communications with people on the road.
    11. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. unveiled two facsimile offerings: a group of messaging services and a fax machine that includes both a fax line and a telephone line.
    12. Microsoft and Apple said yesterday that they had agreed to develop software which would enable their customers to share information and messaging services across networks which use both Microsoft and Apple operating systems.
    13. Though Greene's decision lifts the legal barrier to the Bell companies' offering of voice messaging and electronic mail, the companies still would need state and federal regulatory approval before they could offer the services to consumers.
    14. "This is a key strategic move to strengthen our position in global messaging," said John Smart, BCS president.
    15. Japan, Canada and parts of Western Europe make available over their telephone networks electronic banking and voice messaging, a type of answering service that doesn't require a separate machine.
    16. Among other things, the company plans to demonstrate the latest voice messaging systems and gateways, which allow a personal computer to retrieve information from a wide range of data services.
    17. If the recent auction of the narrowband PCS licences - for less sophisticated services such as paging and messaging - is anything to go by, demand for the broadband licences will be brisk.
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