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 malingering   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 诈病, 装病

    [ noun ]
    evading duty or work by pretending to be incapacitated
    they developed a test to detect malingering

    Malinger \Ma*lin"ger\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {MAlingered}; p. pr.
    & vb. n. {Malingering}.]
    To act the part of a malingerer; to feign illness or

    1. Similarly, the Dec. 23 Washington Post associated "bellyaching, malingering, dissent and drug abuse" with the Vietnam soldier.
    2. In an effort to make the training realistic, the school traditionally permitted instructors to pull students who were tired, suffering from cramps or believed to be malingering away from the wall of the pool if they grabbed it for support, Nesbitt said.
    3. "It is widespread in nature and is not limited to what some observers would describe as malingering workers, hysterical housewives and workers experiencing mass psychogenic illness," the report says.
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