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 lubrication   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 润滑, 注油, 润滑作用

[计] 润滑

[医] 润滑, 润滑法

    [ noun ]
    1. the condition of having been made smooth or slippery by the application of a lubricant

    2. <noun.state>
    3. an application of a lubricant to something

    4. <noun.act>

    Lubrication \Lu`bri*ca"tion\, n.
    The act of lubricating; the act of making slippery.

    1. The rest, about 29,000 gallons, are various lubrication oils used to run the ship, Asaro said.
    2. Grease Monkey, a franchiser of automotive lubrication centers mostly in the Western and Midwestern states, said Jiffy Lube's proposal, which it received in writing Saturday, was a swap of Jiffy Lube securities for Grease Monkey common stock.
    3. Typically, quick oil changes involve a new oil filter, oil, spot lubrication on doors and some suspension joints, filling brake and windshield washer reservoirs and checking tire pressure.
    4. Idex, which went public in 1989, makes products such as pumps, lubrication systems and banding and clamping devices for a variety of industries.
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