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    Link \Link\ (l[i^][ng]k), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Linked}
    (l[i^][ng]kt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Linking}.]
    To connect or unite with a link or as with a link; to join;
    to attach; to unite; to couple.

    All the tribes and nations that composed it [the Roman
    Empire] were linked together, not only by the same laws
    and the same government, but by all the facilities of
    commodious intercourse, and of frequent communication.

    1. But he apologised for behaviour which he said 'was not just inappropriate or boorish, but just plain wrong'. Mr Packwood conceded that 'the bonds of trust' linking him and the people of Oregon had been badly strained.
    2. German troops marched into the country nearly 50 years ago, officially linking this Alpine nation with Adolf Hitler's Third Reich.
    3. McCurdy and other original sponsors hope the final version will include a provision in the Senate's bill, a $35 million demonstration program that will test their idea for linking national youth service with financial aid incentives.
    4. That fear may owe something to Sandinista campaign strategy of linking the guard to U.S.-supported Contra guerrillas and the opposition coalition.
    5. Although nations of the so-called non-aligned movement expressed token solidarity with the Arab League, hard-line Arabs had to back off linking bans on chemical and nuclear weapons for lack of real support.
    6. He makes a particularly strenuous effort to show that she was a fascist, linking her with Hitler and Mussolini at every opportunity, but Mr. Higham overexerts himself here, and thereby weakens his own case.
    7. "There is physical evidence linking all of the murders," said police Capt.
    8. Helms accused the Bush administration of "a massive coverup" of information linking these officials to alleged narcotics corruption.
    9. We had worked hard and long on it." To justify the lower price tag, Mr. Plaskett contends Pan Am would benefit more from a marketing pact linking Pan Am with United.
    10. The two moves suggest Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan is linking policy to developments in the economy rather than to signals from the financial markets.
    11. Ceausescu had rejected Romania's membership in the organizations "because he was not interested in linking Romania to Europe and the whole world," Rompres said.
    12. None of the 53 witnesses produced by the government was able to provide a "smoking gun"-evidence directly linking the Phoenix, Ariz., businessman to unlawful sales tactics.
    13. France opened a 20-mile highway linking Chambery and Albertville for the 1992 Winter Olympics in February.
    14. The military said they were freed because of lack of witnesses, although sources said prosecutors had sworn statements from witnesses linking most of them to the attack.
    15. Because computers require touch-tone systems, Dugay had to add a conversion device to the modem linking his phone line to the computer.
    16. But I found no records linking my family with all of this rich history.
    17. It comes down to cost, connectivity and power. Already, the duo is working on linking IBM and Apple networks.
    18. "Hey, ho, Chancellor Joe, racism has got to go" was chanted by students, who were held back by black students linking arms to clear a path for Duffey as he walked toward the building.
    19. If we expected to be applauded for linking in such a bold and direct manner shareholder value with executive compensation, we were mistaken.
    20. The two projects also will sponsor "classroom-to-classroom" programs linking U.S. schools with counterparts in Hungary and Poland, Shanker said.
    21. BZW is linking with CLM Advisers, a subsidiary of the Sedgwick group, to back a Pounds 200m investment trust, CLM Insurance Fund.
    22. CDA computes the six-month rankings by linking first-quarter and second-quarter results.
    23. No way." Corona's popularity has benefited from a slick advertising campaign, with its "Cross the Border" message linking the lager to Mexican tourist attractions in magazines and on billboards.
    24. But with the new A5 Shrewsbury bypass linking to the M54 and M6, west Shropshire will prosper now that it is more accessible. Birmingham airport is less than an hour away by road (although north Shropshire people use Manchester) and London 2 1/2 hours.
    25. The raise which would increase Cabinet salaries from $99,500 to $155,000 would increase Nixon's pension as a former president by the same amount because of a 1971 law linking the two amounts.
    26. The company will be capitalised at Dollars 1bn, and build a state-of-the-art fibre-optic cable linking three cities. MCI was confident the joint venture would be awarded a long-distance licence by the government.
    27. Phase two will provide a further 3.5m sq ft, with a Pounds 9m Lutterworth by-pass linking the site to the M1 (the developer will be paying for this). One reason for the success of Magna Park is obviously the location.
    28. Family members identified the victims through gold fillings in their teeth, remnants of clothes, and in one case an agrarian reform ID number linking him to a local farming cooperative.
    29. By linking with Germany, the Danes to a great extent have made their economy dependent on the strength of the German economy.
    30. The five stations on the new underground section would have provided links with other underground lines. Like the RER network linking the centre of Paris with the suburbs, CrossRail would have provided rapid journey times with fewer stops than the Tube.
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