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 leathery ['leðәri]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 皮似的, 皮质的, 皮般吞坚韧的

    [ adj ]
    resembling or made to resemble leather; tough but pliable

    Leathery \Leath"er*y\, a.
    Resembling leather in appearance or consistency; tough; as,
    nothing but a leathery steak left to eat. ``A leathery
    skin.'' --Grew.

    1. Heinz-Peter Distel, leathery hands gripping an iron shipwheel, guides his 1,200-ton live-in barge downriver in a family tradition nearly as old as the medieval castles looming on both sides of the mighty Rhine River.
    2. The price can be high _ premature wrinkles, dryness and leathery skin; a heightened risk of skin cancer; damage to the eyes, and genetic changes that may compromise the skin's ability to fight invaders, the report said.
    3. The unnamed Highland malt was more leathery.
    4. Mr. Webb watches Mr. Evans's leathery hands and calloused fingertips dance across the banjo's strings as he plays.
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