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 IRA ['aiərə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
abbr. <英> Irish Republican Army ,爱尔兰共和军
abbr. <美>Individual Retirement Account,个人退休帐户

    [ noun ]
    1. a militant organization of Irish nationalists who used terrorism and guerilla warfare in an effort to drive British forces from Northern Ireland and achieve a united independent Ireland

    2. <noun.group>
    3. a retirement plan that allows you to contribute a limited yearly sum toward your retirement; taxes on the interest earned in the account are deferred

    4. <noun.cognition>
    5. belligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong (personified as one of the deadly sins)

    6. <noun.act>

    IRA \IRA\ n.
    The Irish Republican Army, a group in Ireland with the
    primary goal of promoting the unification of Ireland and the
    severing of the political bond of Northern Ireland with Great
    Britain, of mostly secret membership, with a militant wing
    sponsoring terrorist activities such as bombings and the
    killings of police, British soldiers, and Unionist
    sympathizers in Northern Ireland. [Acronym]

    IRA \IRA\ n. (Finance)
    individual retirement account; -- a special type of savings
    account allowed by law to provide deferred taxation of the
    interest paid. [U.S., acronym]

    Syn: individual retirement account.

    1. According to the television report, the IRA members were in possession of false identity papers and detonators when they were picked up on July 14.
    2. An IRA statement in Crossmaglen said a 12-man unit used two 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns, three 7.62mm general purpose machine-guns and rifles Thursday in what it called the IRA's first successful helicopter downing.
    3. An IRA statement in Crossmaglen said a 12-man unit used two 12.7mm anti-aircraft guns, three 7.62mm general purpose machine-guns and rifles Thursday in what it called the IRA's first successful helicopter downing.
    4. He also succeeded in having charges dropped against a man in connection with the killing of two soldiers at an IRA funeral last year.
    5. The IRA killed four soldiers with a similar bomb beneath a road on April 9. Attacks against police officers and soldiers are a trademark of the IRA and smaller groups fighting British rule.
    6. The IRA killed four soldiers with a similar bomb beneath a road on April 9. Attacks against police officers and soldiers are a trademark of the IRA and smaller groups fighting British rule.
    7. "No way will unionist (Protestant) leaders sit down and talk to the mouthpiece of the IRA, Gerry Adams," Robinson said.
    8. The officer's testimony came on the 10th day of an inquest by Gibraltar Coroner Felix Pizzarello and an 11-man jury into the shootings of the three unarmed IRA members.
    9. So the movement of money from the Bank Magnus IRA to the Bank Nonesuch IRA wasn't a second IRA rollover within a year, and Irma didn't get a taxable IRA payout in the process.
    10. So the movement of money from the Bank Magnus IRA to the Bank Nonesuch IRA wasn't a second IRA rollover within a year, and Irma didn't get a taxable IRA payout in the process.
    11. So the movement of money from the Bank Magnus IRA to the Bank Nonesuch IRA wasn't a second IRA rollover within a year, and Irma didn't get a taxable IRA payout in the process.
    12. So the movement of money from the Bank Magnus IRA to the Bank Nonesuch IRA wasn't a second IRA rollover within a year, and Irma didn't get a taxable IRA payout in the process.
    13. Last November, she attended a memorial service in Enniskillen for 11 people killed when the IRA bombed a commemoration ceremony for Britain's war dead.
    14. Martin McGuinness, a member of Sinn Fein's national executive committee, told the conference the IRA is trying to resolve the issue.
    15. The IRA is banned on both sides of the border.
    16. In a statement to Belfast news media, the IRA said the explosion was caused by a 7-pound bomb placed under an office adjacent to the police stand.
    17. Damien, a young Northern Irishman looking for a job in London, is suspected by his fellow lodgers of working for the IRA.
    18. Police were questioning five people last night over the IRA bombing of Harrods in January, including two men held after an armed raid in north London on Tuesday.
    19. Schauble refused to give details of the foiled attacks, but he said improved cooperation between police forces on the European continent that had curbed the IRA's activities.
    20. "This is a first step," said Kobern. "I would not be surprised if we see further cuts after the IRA season if business stays at the same pace.
    21. A "human bomb" attack, similar to last month's IRA bombing which killed seven people, failed when the enormous bomb fizzled, police said Friday.
    22. In July 1982, eight soldiers died in IRA bombings near the Household Cavalry barracks in central London and at a bandstand in the capital's Regent's Park where an army band was playing.
    23. The IRA in a statement Wednesday said the Harte brothers and Mullin, 26, were on "active service" _ a guerrilla euphemism for a bombing or shooting mission _ when they were slain.
    24. Between 1981 and 1986, any worker could put $2,000 a year into an IRA and deduct that sum from his taxable income.
    25. They've already been tried, which is another farce," says Jackie Donnelly, spokesman for the outlawed IRA's legal political wing, Sinn Fein.
    26. Yesterday's attack would be the 12th the IRA has carried out in mainland Britain this year, police said.
    27. IRA supporters fired at a police station and hurled firebombs at security forces, who shot back with plastic bullets and injured three people before dawn Thursday, police said.
    28. Mitchell said Senate Democrats will not link their IRA proposal to such an increase, but rather will propose to make up revenue lost to expanded IRA deductions by extending telephone and other excise taxes that were due to expire at the end of this year.
    29. Mitchell said Senate Democrats will not link their IRA proposal to such an increase, but rather will propose to make up revenue lost to expanded IRA deductions by extending telephone and other excise taxes that were due to expire at the end of this year.
    30. The 1986 tax act prevents couples with combined adjusted gross income of more than $40,000 from fully deducting IRA contributions if one or both spouses is covered by a company retirement plan and they file jointly.
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