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 inversely [ɪn'vɚslɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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[机] 反的, 反对

    [ adv ]
    in an inverse or contrary manner
    inversely relatedwavelength and frequency are, of course, related reciprocally

    Inversely \In*verse"ly\, adv.
    In an inverse order or manner; by inversion; -- opposed to

    {Inversely proportional}. See {Directly proportional}, under
    {Directly}, and {Inversion}, 4.

    1. Negative numbers indicate returns should move inversely, while 0 indicates there's no particular pattern.
    2. American Airlines' managers believe that balance-sheet performance is inversely proportionate to service-worker happiness.
    3. After performing inversely to stocks in the wake of the Oct. 19 crash, the huge rally in the Treasury bond market continued to run out of steam yesterday as stocks remained depressed.
    4. Its yield, which moves inversely to its price and is often an indicator of interest rate trends, slipped to 9.07 percent from 9.08 percent late Monday.
    5. Under this scheme, the amount congressmen earn would vary inversely with the total amount of federal spending.
    6. Thus, as Parkinson observed, the time spent on any item on the agenda is inversely proportional to the sum of money involved.
    7. Its yield, which moves inversely to price and is considered a sign of interest rate trends, rose to 8.48 percent from 8.46 percent late Tuesday.
    8. It is axiomatic that public support for economic reform is inversely proportionate to the distress it causes.
    9. Its yield, which moves inversely to its price, climbed to 8.92 percent from 8.85 percent late Friday.
    10. Its yield, which moves inversely to its price, fell to 9.21 percent from 9.23 percent late Wednesday.
    11. Its yield, which moves inversely to the price, rose to 9.02 percent from 8.96 percent late Thursday.
    12. Its yield, which moves inversely to its price, fell to 8.73 percent from 8.77 percent.
    13. Interest rates move inversely to bond prices.
    14. Its yield, which moves inversely from its price, tumbled to 8.83 percent from 9.06 percent late Thursday.
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