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 industrial [ɪn'dʌstrɪəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 工业的, 供工业用的, 工业高度发展的, 产业的

n. 工业工人, 工业股票

[经] 工业的, 产业的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or resulting from industry

    2. <adj.pert>
      industrial output
    3. having highly developed industries

    4. <adj.all>
      the industrial revolution
      an industrial nation
    5. employed in industry

    6. <adj.all>
      the industrial classes
      industrial work
    7. suitable to stand up to hard wear

    8. <adj.all>
      industrial carpeting

    Industrial \In*dus"tri*al\, a. [Cf. F. industriel, LL.
    industrialis. See {Industry}.]
    Consisting in industry; pertaining to industry, or the arts
    and products of industry; concerning those employed in labor,
    especially in manual labor, and their wages, duties, and

    The great ideas of industrial development and economic
    social amelioration. --M. Arnold.

    {Industrial exhibition}, a public exhibition of the various
    industrial products of a country, or of various countries.

    {Industrial school}, a school for teaching one or more
    branches of industry; also, a school for educating
    neglected children, and training them to habits of

    blue-collar \blue-collar\ adj.
    1. of or designating work or workers in industry not
    requiring well-groomed appearance. [Narrower terms:
    {industrial}] {white-collar}
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. of those who work for wages especially manual or
    industrial laborers. [Narrower terms: {lower-class,

    Syn: propertyless, wage-earning, working-class.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Thus ended the campaign in the first of the industrial states to vote, a battle that seemed as clear-cut on the Republican side as it was complicated for the Democrats.
    2. If more U.S. companies do get back into D-rams, say critics of the consortium idea, Japanese companies will just bring their advantages to bear on other chip products and markets, making a more wide-ranging industrial policy necessary.
    3. They include such industrial stalwarts as Westinghouse, such retail giants as K mart and J.C. Penney, Tandy Corp., and toy companies such as Mattel.
    4. U.S. industrial production surged 0.7 percent in April as a boom in demand for business equipment helped give the country the biggest increase in factory output in six months, the government said Monday.
    5. Bond prices finished narrowly mixed Tuesday as the market shrugged off new reports on trade and industrial production and looked toward Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony before Congress.
    6. The Dow Jones average of 30 industrial stocks, wobbly after a big weekly loss, was down 11.28 points to 2,002.65 as of noon EDT.
    7. Taxes on the average worker will have to be used to pay pensions for steelworkers, who have traditionally earned 60% to 80% more than the average manufacturing wage and have much higher pensions than the average industrial worker.
    8. However, Jim R. Porter, First Options' chairman, does say another 500-point drop in the industrial average wouldn't cost his firm money because its traders are operating under stricter trading standards and are putting up more margin cash.
    9. Daimler, West Germany's largest industrial group, climbed 12 marks to 620 ($360) after surging 20 early in the session.
    10. 'Skanska is a well-run company strong on the contracting business side with a number of industrial companies and a good stock of real estate companies', said Mr Barnevik.
    11. Other industries repeated the good news-bad news motif: Orders for electronic equipment rose 3.3% while orders for industrial machinery and equipment fell 3.3%.
    12. At the Korsnas pulp mill at Gavle on the Swedish east coast, they boast that the problem of industrial waste has almost been solved.
    13. Saturday's London violence was the worst since September 1985, when crowds of young blacks and some whites clashed with police in the northern industrial city of Birmingham.
    14. Sales probably climbed 0.1% last month after rising 0.7% in September, while industrial production was probably unchanged after increasing 0.1%, some economists say.
    15. A native Oregonian, Mr. Kuse joined Georgia-Pacific's chemical division in 1967 as an industrial chemicals salesman.
    16. Mikhail Gorbachev has focused much attention on the need for Soviet industrial reforms.
    17. But on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average was 10.31 points higher at 2,136.56 as London trading ended Thursday, having opened about 4 points lower.
    18. On Thursday, a paramilitary squad run by the powerful Medellin cartel declared it would wage "total and absolute war on the government, on the industrial and political oligarchy," and others the drug lords consider their enemies.
    19. In December alone, industrial production rose 0.3% from a year earlier and a seasonally adjusted 2.9% from November, the ministry said.
    20. New condominium and industrial projects had eradicated many of the state's farmlands - the very scenery tourists came to New Hampshire to see. The economic picture in Vermont, while not exactly up-beat, is better than that of its eastern neighbour.
    21. Hydro-Quebec today has more U.S. dollar debt than any corporation in the industrial world, except for a couple of the biggest LBOs.
    22. "The absolute increases in manufacturing productivity and output don't support the case for a rapidly eroding industrial base.
    23. He is virtually the only industrial saint around." Analysts expect Digital to start a new stock buy-back program soon to bolster the shares.
    24. An estimated 19 House seats will move from northern and midwestern industrial states to the Sun Belt before 1992, and millions have been spent to maximize each party's strength in the state legislatures that will redraw the House district boundaries.
    25. Canadian Pacific, a transportation and industrial holding company, said it would own about 79.7% of the merged company.
    26. At the same time the company 'perceived a requirement for large investment cast components for the industrial gas turbine which would substitute for forgings and fabrications'. The market analysis went further.
    27. Banca Commerciale's majority owner is an Italian government agency, Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, that owns other banks and industrial companies.
    28. The market opened lower and the Dow Jones industrial average extended its decline through midafternoon.
    29. The two tiers are evident in the way the market values consumer and industrial stocks.
    30. Much of the increase was accounted for by industrial machinery and equipment, led by engines and computers.
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