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 hexameter [hek'sæmitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 六步格, 六步格的诗

a. 六步格的

    [ noun ]
    a verse line having six metrical feet

    Hexameter \Hex*am"e*ter\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? of six meters; (sc.
    ?) hexameter verse; "e`x six + ? measure: cf. F.
    hexam[`e]tre. See {Six}, and {Meter}.] (Gr. & Lat. Pros.)
    A verse of six feet, the first four of which may be either
    dactyls or spondees, the fifth must regularly be a dactyl,
    and the sixth always a spondee. In this species of verse are
    composed the Iliad of Homer and the [AE]neid of Virgil. In
    English hexameters accent takes the place of quantity.

    Leaped like the | roe when he | hears in the | woodland
    the | voice of the | huntsman. --Longfellow.

    Strongly it | bears us a- | long on | swelling and |
    limitless | billows,
    Nothing be- | fore and | nothing be- | hind but the |
    sky and the | ocean. --Coleridge.

    Hexameter \Hex*am"e*ter\, a.
    Having six metrical feet, especially dactyls and spondees.

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