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 grueling ['gruəlɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 折磨人的, 使人精疲力尽的

n. 痛打, 惩罚

  1. Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast.
  2. My parents like eating gruel.
  3. At just14 years old, Harry is three years too young to enter the grueling competition.

[ adj ]
characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
worked their arduous way up the mining valleya grueling campaign
hard labor
heavy work
heavy going
spent many laborious hours on the project
set a punishing pace

grueling \grueling\, gruelling \gruelling\adj.
1. characterized by toilsome effort; requiring extreme
physical or mental effort; as, a grueling campaign.

Syn: arduous, backbreaking, back-breaking, exhausting,
gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, labourious,
punishing, slavish, strenuous, toilsome.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. Another feature film of last year was "Hamburger Hill," which resembles "Pork Chop Hill" (1959), a grueling battle piece about Korea.
  2. For such people, dieting can be a grueling, dispiriting process that can take up to two years.
  3. Late last year, after a grueling search that began with 120 names, Lockheed appointed to its board four new outside directors, all of whom received the blessing of the top 11 institutional holders.
  4. Walesa, looking relaxed at a news conference after a grueling week of negotiations, outlined the tasks his independent trade union faces.
  5. But the dry weather even puts a crimp in that grueling endeavor.
  6. "It's inexpensive, it teaches good lessons and the recividivism rate is very, very low because it so grueling and so unpleasant people don't want to back to it," Bennett said.
  7. But the District of Columbia flunked more than half of those who sat for the grueling two-day exam.
  8. But they knew he was the most seriously stricken of the cadets who were hospitalized with exhaustion and dehydration following a grueling regimen of laps and pushups on a few cups of water.
  9. He will undergo a week of orientation, including a grueling physical fitness test that may remind him of his days as a high school wrestler.
  10. It meets a grueling schedule of 100 concerts a year, including 20 in December.
  11. He says he couldn't meet his grueling timetable for the passing seasons without his eight Park Service helpers.
  12. The New York University Law School graduate failed the grueling New York bar exam twice and was in danger of losing his prosecutor's job if he flunked a third time.
  13. It was a grueling process.
  14. The grueling primary process has won their respect for the survivors, they say.
  15. The assistant secretary of state for African affairs needs stamina: he spends about 25 percent of his time on the road and has a grueling social schedule wining and dining African officials.
  16. But the work schedule is too grueling to allow for chat, and off duty the only point of contact is the airbase gym.
  17. The 73-year-old widow says she could no longer stand grueling interrogations by the tobacco-company lawyers, who spent days grilling her on such topics as her infertility and her adopted son's suicide a year ago.
  18. "It's inexpensive, it teaches good lessons, and the recidivism rate is very, very low because it is so grueling and so unpleasant people don't want to go back to it," he said.
  19. Doing a series is a grueling lifestyle.
  20. It is even a small success that he emerged Sunday from a grueling round of meetings having traded a lot of talk for a small bundle of vague Chinese proposals on arms control, human rights and copyright protection.
  21. The "E.T." host worked his rehearsals around the TV show chores for a grueling month before the band, including bassist Joyce Imbesi and drummer Charlie Adams, hit the road.
  22. The Italian finished second in the grueling three-week race.
  23. Promoting himself to "general," he raised a ragtag band of 1,000 mercenary cutthroats and led this "army" for six weeks of grueling trekking over 600 miles of desert to capture the Libyan port of Derna.
  24. In the other semifinal, Jon Speelman of England and Jan Timman of the Netherlands ajourned after a grueling six-hour round.
  25. A class of police cadets whose first week in a grueling training program left one man dead and 13 hospitalized graduated Wednesday, its members commended as special because of what they endured.
  26. Most of the grueling journey is being made by bus.
  27. Reporters didn't know the jurors' names, but studied their faces each time they emerged for a break, straining for signs that 14 months of grueling work had ended.
  28. The only other woman to win the grueling race, Libby Riddles of Nome, watched the finish on sunny streets in minus 10-degree temperatures.
  29. But winning the operators over has been grueling.
  30. Gorbachev appeared healthy Tuesday, a long and grueling day for him.
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