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 flabbergasted ['flæbɚgæstɪd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 目瞪口呆, 惊愕

    [ adj ]
    as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise
    a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accidentthe flabbergasted aldermen were speechless
    was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion

    1. "I am totally flabbergasted," he said, adding that the report, carrying the weight of the institute and its parent National Institutes of Health, would almost certainly scare off any research institution or hospital from doing hyperthermia tests.
    2. She described them as "flabbergasted" after they discovered that Scott had no plans to visit Georgia.
    3. It claimed Philips itself had shown a CD player at a trade show in April priced at Pounds 99, which it said was 29 per cent cheaper than its cheapest model. 'We were flabbergasted.
    4. Truly we were flabbergasted that so many people saw the story.
    5. He adds he would be "flabbergasted" if silver failed to climb to at least $6 an ounce.
    6. "I was flabbergasted," Tatsuhara Yamane, head of the bureau, was quoted by Kyodo news service as saying.
    7. "I was shocked, flabbergasted by the report," said Peter Beutel, energy analyst for Elders Futures Inc.
    8. When Merck bought Medco for Dollars 6bn in July last year most other pharmaceuticals companies were unconvinced of the commercial logic and flabbergasted by the price.
    9. I was so flabbergasted I got all red in the face.
    10. The flabbergasted executive just sputtered.
    11. "He was flabbergasted when I told him what they were," LaSpisa said. "He said `Oh, my God.'
    12. He said the Democrats have "been a little too flabbergasted sometimes to make a proper response." "They don't seem to mind if what they say is untrue," he said. "They don't seem to worry if it's misleading.
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