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 finalize ['fainәlaiz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使结束, 定稿

vi. 定局

[经] 把(计划等)最后定下来

  1. Let us finalize tonight.
  2. The negotiators struggled to finalize a deal.
  3. I'll call him as soon as we finalize the itinerary.

[ verb ]
make final; put the last touches on; put into final form
<verb.change> finalise nail down settle
let's finalize the proposal

finalize \finalize\ v. t. [imp. & p. p. {finalized}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {finalizing}.]
to put the last touches on; put into final form.

Syn: make final, settle, nail down.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. This is the fourth postponement in two days resulting from what Campeau has said are delays necessary to finalize documents in its agreement to acquire the department store operator.
  2. An FDA official said the agency is "working to finalize" a decision on the product, but declined to say when a decision will be made.
  3. Both sides said they wouldn't release specific details of the agreement until next week, when they finalize the language of the new contract.
  4. Also, with the U.S. presidential race over, many traders expected the United States and the Soviet Union to finalize a new long-term grain agreement within the next 10 days, said Dale Gustafson, an analyst in Chicago with Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc.
  5. The Kuwait Investment Authority, which is managing the Gulf state's overseas borrowing activity, said it expects to finalize the loan syndication in December.
  6. Following the Presidential Council meeting, Mr. Ryzhkov and his aides are expected to finalize details of the new program over the next six weeks and then present them for approval to the Parliament.
  7. Ms. Wood scheduled another court session for Tuesday morning, at Carroll's request, to finalize bond arrangements.
  8. Shevardnadze also said he and Baker would finalize plans for a third summit between President Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev.
  9. Even if the bank's complex plan to restructure Trump's debt is approved by lenders, there isn't enough time to finalize any agreement before the deadline, the source said.
  10. The consortium plans to meet in December with Soviet authorities in Moscow to finalize the technical, economic and financial documentation for the project.
  11. An armed guard stood nearby as workers rushed to finalize details of the exhibit before the object was placed on display Monday.
  12. Griffin and Trump to finalize the Resorts deal.
  13. Not known for flair, Rothmeier chose a neighborhood steak house in St. Paul to finalize Northwest's $884 million deal to acquire Twin Cities rival Republic Airlines in 1986.
  14. Beirut radio stations said Lakhdar Ibrahimi, the Algerian envoy of Arab League Secretary-General Chedli Klibi, was due in Beirut within 24 hours to finalize deployment of the multinational Arab observer force.
  15. And, so, what I want to do is finalize our standards and then urge everybody in all branches of government to aspire to those standards.
  16. If that visit goes well, the next step would be a visit by Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze to Beijing to finalize the details for a summit, according to Soviet officials.
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