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 extreme [ɪk'strim]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 极端, 末端

a. 极端的, 尽头的, 极度的, 偏激的

[法] 极度的, 极端的, 严厉的

  1. Love and hate are extremes.
  2. She's been generous in the extreme.
  3. His political views are rather extreme.

[ noun ]
  1. the furthest or highest degree of something

  2. <noun.attribute>
    he carried it to extremes
  3. the point located farthest from the middle of something

  4. <noun.location>
[ adj ]
  1. of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity

  2. <adj.all>
    extreme cold
    extreme caution
    extreme pleasure
    utmost contempt
    to the utmost degree
    in the uttermost distress
  3. far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree

  4. <adj.all>
    an extreme example
    extreme temperatures
    extreme danger
  5. beyond a norm in views or actions

  6. <adj.all>
    an extreme conservative
    an extreme liberal
    extreme views on integration
    extreme opinions
  7. most distant in any direction

  8. <adj.all>
    the extreme edge of town

Extreme \Ex*treme"\, a. [L. extremus, superl. of exter, extrus,
on the outside, outward: cf. F. extr[^e]me. See {Exterior}.]
1. At the utmost point, edge, or border; outermost; utmost;
farthest; most remote; at the widest limit.

2. Last; final; conclusive; -- said of time; as, the extreme
hour of life.

3. The best of worst; most urgent; greatest; highest;
immoderate; excessive; most violent; as, an extreme case;
extreme folly. ``The extremest remedy.'' --Dryden.
``Extreme rapidity.'' --Sir W. Scott.

Yet extreme gusts will blow out fire. --Shak.

4. Radical; ultra; as, extreme opinions.

The Puritans or extreme Protestants. --Gladstone.

5. (Mus.) Extended or contracted as much as possible; -- said
of intervals; as, an extreme sharp second; an extreme flat

{Extreme and mean ratio} (Geom.), the relation of a line and
its segments when the line is so divided that the whole is
to the greater segment is to the less.

{Extreme distance}. (Paint.) See {Distance}., n., 6.

{Extreme unction}. See under {Unction}.

Note: Although this adjective, being superlative in
signification, is not properly subject to comparison,
the superlative form not unfrequently occurs,
especially in the older writers. ``Tried in his
extremest state.'' --Spenser. ``Extremest hardships.''
--Sharp. ``Extremest of evils.'' --Bacon. ``Extremest
verge of the swift brook.'' --Shak. ``The sea's
extremest borders.'' --Addison.

Extreme \Ex*treme"\, n.
1. The utmost point or verge; that part which terminates a
body; extremity.

2. Utmost limit or degree that is supposable or tolerable;
hence, furthest degree; any undue departure from the mean;
-- often in the plural: things at an extreme distance from
each other, the most widely different states, etc.; as,
extremes of heat and cold, of virtue and vice; extremes

His parsimony went to the extreme of meanness.

3. An extreme state or condition; hence, calamity, danger,
distress, etc. ``Resolute in most extremes.'' --Shak.

4. (Logic) Either of the extreme terms of a syllogism, the
middle term being interposed between them.

5. (Math.) The first or the last term of a proportion or

{In the extreme} as much as possible. ``The position of the
Port was difficult in the extreme.'' --J. P. Peters.

  1. When the statistics laid the exalted mantel of extreme livability on Pittsburgh, a city once known as "hell with the lid off," even Rand McNally didn't believe it at first.
  2. Mr. McCarthy illustrates the Pavlovian extreme to which public discussion of international economics has degenerated.
  3. At the other extreme were the Lamborghini Diablo, five versions of the Rolls-Royce, two BMWs and a pair of Ferraris.
  4. It might almost be said that Bentsen takes moderation to an extreme.
  5. And if I couldn't vote I'd have been an activist probably more extreme than some who came here." And Selma today?
  6. The study predicted nearly 400 million people there will be living in extreme poverty by 1995, up from 250 million in 1985.
  7. Civil defense officials warned that huge boulders and rain-loosened earth on many hillsides presented an extreme risk of new avalanches, particularly in the crowded shantytown slums that line the hills.
  8. "All of you have worked long hours under extreme pressure to keep our airline moving," Richard J. Hillman, Continental's top flight-operations executive, told his crew-scheduling staff members in a memo earlier this month.
  9. Temperatures warmed into the 70s across Florida and much of the central United State early Friday afternoon with readings in the 80s in western Kansas, much of Texas and extreme southern Florida.
  10. Firefighters also battled extreme heat and low humidity to suppress fires in eastern and southern Utah, while a new blaze charred more than 1,000 acres in the Uintah Basin, forcing evacuation of all campgrounds in the area.
  11. Residents have begun shutting themselves in after dark, drawing their curtains and responding to callers with extreme caution, police said.
  12. An extreme rightist party won seven City Council seats in municipal elections Sunday that dealt a crushing defeat to Chancellor Helmut Kohl's Christian Democrats.
  13. The property US slump of the late 1980s, though hurting Nashville more than other urban centres in the state, was not as devastating as that experienced by many other US cities - nor was the over-building as extreme.
  14. South Florida and the extreme southern part of Texas and Hawaii are the only U.S. areas along the track.
  15. Nonetheless, to cite these isolated examples and to mix in some glib perjoratives such as "fashion" and "chic" to besmirch one of the few support systems our government has to assist the individual artist is unfortunate in the extreme.
  16. The indictment said Putnam killed the woman "while under extreme emotional duress." The FBI has said it has no record of any agent ever being convicted of killing someone in a similar case.
  17. He said the proposed new ruling party was "controlled by the forces of the extreme right." Roh's party intends to join with the Reunification Demcoratic Party of Kim Young-sam and the New Demcoratic Republican Party, led by Kim Jong-pil.
  18. In the May count, civilian employment dropped by 518,000 jobs. In June, employment rose by 823,000. Did such a extreme dip and rise actually occur?
  19. "The style of acting I do is extreme underacting," she said. "It's insulting to the audience if you overstate everything.
  20. Much also depends on backers of extreme right National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.
  21. "When the futures went to an extreme discount to the stocks, some spreaders leaped on the opportunity to unwind their positions," he said.
  22. Demidov said, "Unfortunately, many Sumgait policemen were not up to the extreme conditions" during the rioting.
  23. "People are extreme, dangerously so.
  24. It tends to make converts of people who hadn't been so extreme.
  25. 'A prudent policy today means extreme conservatism,' says Mr Gyorgy Ivanyi, president of Inter-Europa Bank.
  26. BankAmerica may be an extreme example.
  27. It will have to be 'Life On Mars' since there cannot, surely, be anywhere on earth more extreme than Antarctica.
  28. East Germans are protected from extreme rent increases.
  29. Not long after he regained consciousness, East tried to kill himself by ramming a chair leg down his throat, a manifestation of the psychotic state induced by extreme hypothyroidism.
  30. "There was an extreme slowness in information," Belgian Foreign Minister Mark Eyskens told reporters after he summoned Soviet Ambassador Felix Bogdanov.
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