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 expound [ik'spaund]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 详细说明, 解释

vi. 详细说明, 解释

[法] 详述, 陈述, 解释

  1. He expounded the reasons why he did it.
  2. Our teacher expounded his views on education to me at great length.
  3. The cameraman uses camera to expound life.

[ verb ]
  1. add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing

  2. <verb.communication> dilate elaborate enlarge expand expatiate exposit flesh out lucubrate
    She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation
  3. state

  4. <verb.communication>
    exposit set forth
    set forth one's reasons

Expound \Ex*pound"\ ([e^]ks*pound"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Expounded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Expounding}.] [OE. exponen,
expounen, expounden, fr. L. exponere to set out, expose,
expound; ex out + ponere to put: cf. OE. expondre, expondre.
See {Position}.]
1. To lay open; to expose to view; to examine. [Obs.]

He expounded both his pockets. --Hudibras.

2. To lay open the meaning of; to explain; to clear of
obscurity; to interpret; as, to expound a text of
Scripture, a law, a word, a meaning, or a riddle.

Expound this matter more fully to me. --Bunyan.

  1. Nor do the underground Moslem Brotherhood and other Islamic fundamentalist groups, which along with the PLO are outlawed by Israel, have a central spokesman or organ to expound them.
  2. While my European colleagues are able to expound the virtues of their tax systems in an attempt to create additional investment in their countries, the best advice I can give is normally to move investments from the UK.
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