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 exigent ['eksidʒәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 紧急的, 迫切的, 苛求的

[法] 催告书, 勒令, 限令

  1. The task of constructing person-with-ability mode is urgent and exigent.
  2. The removal of heavy metals from sewage sludges is a problem that is exigent to be solved.
  3. Procedure of saving evidence from damage results from objective and exigent need of the parties or suits.

[ adj ]
  1. demanding attention

  2. <adj.all>
    clamant needs
    a crying need
    regarded literary questions as exigent and momentous
    insistent hunger
    an instant need
  3. requiring precise accuracy

  4. <adj.all>
    an exacting job
    became more exigent over his pronunciation

Exigent \Ex`i*gent\, a. [L. exigens, -entis, p. pr. of exigere
to drive out or forth, require, exact. See {Exact}.]
Exacting or requiring immediate aid or action; pressing;
critical. ``At this exigent moment.'' --Burke.

Exigent \Ex"i*gent\, n.
1. Exigency; pressing necessity; decisive moment. [Obs.]

Why do you cross me in this exigent? --Shak.

2. (o. Eng. Law) The name of a writ in proceedings before
outlawry. --Abbott.

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