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 exclaim [iks'kleim]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 大叫, 呼喊, 大声叫

vi. 大叫, 呼喊, 大声叫

  1. The newspapers exclaimed against the government's action.
  2. She exclaimed at the beautiful view.
  3. Glory to you! We exclaim with a joyful soul.


Exclaim \Ex*claim"\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Exclaimed}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Exclaiming}.] [L. exclamare, exclamatum; ex +
clamare to cry out; cf. OF. exclamer. See {Clam}.]
To cry out from earnestness or passion; to utter with
vehemence; to call out or declare loudly; to protest
vehemently; to vociferate; to shout; as, to exclaim against
oppression with wonder or astonishment; ``The field is won!''
he exclaimed.

Exclaim \Ex*claim"\, n.
Outcry; clamor. [Archaic]

Cursing cries and deep exclaims. --Shak.

  1. Suddenly he heard the flight surgeon exclaim, "What was that?" "I knew instantly this was terribly wrong.
  2. Outside my house, I once overheard a boy exclaim to his friends that he had to go back home for a minute.
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