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 eternal [ɪ'tɚnl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 永恒的, 永远的, 不灭的

  1. The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced.
  2. Condemned, especially to eternal punishment.
  3. The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.

[ adj ]
  1. continuing forever or indefinitely

  2. <adj.all>
    the ageless themes of love and revenge
    eternal truths
    life everlasting
    hell's perpetual fires
    the unending bliss of heaven
  3. tiresomely long; seemingly without end

  4. <adj.all>
    endless debates
    an endless conversation
    the wait seemed eternal
    eternal quarreling
    an interminable sermon

Eternal \E*ter"nal\, a. [F. ['e]ternel, L. aeternalis, fr.
aeternus. See {Etern}.]
1. Without beginning or end of existence; always existing.

The eternal God is thy refuge. --Deut.
xxxiii. 27.

To know wether there were any real being, whose
duration has been eternal. --Locke.

2. Without end of existence or duration; everlasting;
endless; immortal.

That they may also obtain the salvation which is in
Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. --2 Tim. ii.

3. Continued without intermission; perpetual; ceaseless;

And fires eternal in thy temple shine. --Dryden.

4. Existing at all times without change; immutable.

Hobbes believed the eternal truths which he opposed.

What are the eternal objects of poetry among all
nations, and at all times? --M. Arnold.

5. Exceedingly great or bad; -- used as a strong intensive.
``Some eternal villain.''

{The Eternal City}, an appellation of Rome.

Syn: Everlasting; endless; infinite; ceaseless; perpetual;
interminable. See {Everlasting}.

Eternal \E*ter"nal\, n.
1. One of the appellations of God.

Law whereby the Eternal himself doth work. --Hooker.

2. That which is endless and immortal. --Young.

  1. "It must be borne in mind that the changing circumstances, staff and management changes and tragic assassinations have not changed this eternal commitment to social change through creative love and revolutionary non-violence," Hill added.
  2. 'To his eternal credit he has stuck to his last.
  3. Witnesses said a group of about 20 or 30 people laid flowers in mid-afternoon at the eternal flame to a Hungarian premier executed in the abortive 1848 revolution against Austria and stepped back into a crowd of about 400 people who had gathered.
  4. Israel annexed Arab east Jerusalem after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, and declared the united city as its "eternal capital." But U.S. policy holds that Jerusalem's status must be determined through negotiations among all parties.
  5. That special feeling of a land eternal and tranquil, the heart of what On Wenlock Edge is all about, was almost wholly lacking. Almost, because it surfaced in the penultimate song, 'Bredon Hill'.
  6. Bernd Weikl has added humour to his down-to-earth Sachs, but there is not the wisdom or depth to make us believe this character capable of uttering eternal truths. For Mackerras the season has brought Verdi, Puccini and - naturally - Janacek.
  7. We all want eternal youth, but do we really want eternal age?
  8. We all want eternal youth, but do we really want eternal age?
  9. He has the desperate sound of a man caught in an eternal rundown.
  10. Mendes' production remains too earth bound and tentative to do full justice to the eternal truths but it is a brave stab at a great play.
  11. 'Hope springs eternal,' he says.
  12. Mr. Wenders says he was inspired by Rainer Maria Rilke's poetry, filled with angels and the lure of eternal life beyond earth.
  13. If it's right, it's right." The man who sang the eternal question, "Woman, have you got cheating on your mind?," is back with a new sound and harsh criticism for the music of the 1980s.
  14. The above might indicate that pumping iron and eating pasta and chicken, some of Martina's favorite things, aren't the key to eternal youth after all, but Martina is having none of that.
  15. Designer haggis is rather a frightening thought. In its eternal wisdom the Arts Council has decided, according to its spokeswoman, to promote civil war in Scotland by pitting Glasgow's amazing talent against the dazzling genius of Edinburgh.
  16. Rode was named by a Sikh committee as chief priest of the Akal Takht, or the eternal throne within the Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine and the seat of Sikhism's spiritual authority.
  17. Now with Four Weddings he begins to look the drollest, most appealingly scatterbrained hero in Western cinema. Charles (Grant) is the eternal best man.
  18. But hope springs eternal, and he forecasts a $6 profit for 1988.
  19. Abian's "eternal spring" theory may have some theoretical validity, they also say it's a bad idea to fool Mother Nature.
  20. But he did make absolute statements." The song "Money Jungle," for example, meant that money was "eternal grief.
  21. Forte, the UK's biggest hotelier and a large restaurant operator, said: 'There are no significant signs of an upturn.' Luxury goods Hope springs eternal in this sector.
  22. The displays will include recreations of death-camp cells, photographs, tombstone-shaped plaques, an eternal flame and an oil painting by Rybotycki showing St. Maximilian about to die.
  23. Hope will be springing eternal on a Burbank street, which will be renamed in honor of comedian Bob Hope.
  24. But, hope springs eternal.
  25. They believe that Woody Allen's function and achievement was to go on providing them with ceremonies of innocence: to spin an eternal childhood of lovable, stammering incomprehension confronting a wicked, implacable world.
  26. Did she sing well? Yes, in a mature manner rather at odds with the youthful character who should seem to blossom forth with hope and love just like the spring she sings about in the eternal first act.
  27. Like an eternal flame, a lamp atop the bookshelf continuously throws orange light onto a photograph of John Lennon, who was murdered in 1980.
  28. "There are many lessons in the past and one lesson is that not one civilization has been eternal," he said.
  29. Worse in that it was edited into insultingly brief soundbites, better in that it had a perfectly serious point to make about plastic surgery and the obsession with eternal youth.
  30. Mr. Segall counters: "Hope springs eternal in the breast of a retailer."
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