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 eroticism [i'rɒtisizm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 性爱倾向, 性欲亢进

[医] 性欲, 色情

  1. And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare* ed portrayals of the dying queen.
  2. And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare breasted portrayals of the dying queen.
  3. But as a man, it's impossible to be of no eroticism in his eyes when facing a beautiful woman.

[ noun ]
  1. a state of anticipation of sexuality

  2. <noun.state>
  3. the arousal of feelings of sexual desire

  4. <noun.feeling>

Eroticism \E*rot"i*cism\, n.
Erotic quality.

  1. The synod is expected to focus on the difficulty in maintaining the church's rules that priests be celibate and foresake marriage "in a world characterized by eroticism," as a working document put it.
  2. Circe (Bella Enahoro) is all sinewy eroticism and Nausicaa (Sophie Okonedo) all flirty charm: 'just tell your wife you met me and were swept overboard.'
  3. Their paths finally cross on a Swiss lake steamer, which is playing host to the exotic delegates of an international congress on eroticism in photography.
  4. There's a creepy eroticism to the scene that perfectly matches the late Micheal Mac Liammoir's oily puckishness as Iago.
  5. It certainly has enough explicit eroticism to ensure that the strait-laced terrestrial channels will not show it.
  6. What exists of Briseis is best heard in the concert-hall, where one can wallow in the seductive eroticism of its music without worrying about what has happened to the drama.
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