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 erased 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 清除

  1. A programmable read-only memory that can be erased by exposure to ultraviolet light and then reprogrammed.
  2. He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher.

Erased \E*rased"\ (r[=a]st"), p. p. & a.
1. Rubbed or scraped out; effaced; obliterated.

2. (Her.) Represented with jagged and uneven edges, as is
torn off; -- used esp. of the head or limb of a beast. Cf.

Erase \E*rase"\ ([-e]*r[=a]s"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Erased}
([-e]*r[=a]st"); p. pr. & vb. n.. {Erasing}.] [L. erasus, p.
p. of eradere to erase; e out + radere to scrape, scratch,
shave. See {Rase}.]
1. To rub or scrape out, as letters or characters written,
engraved, or painted; to efface; to expunge; to cross out;
as, to erase a word or a name.

2. Fig.: To obliterate; to expunge; to blot out; -- used of
ideas in the mind or memory. --Burke.

  1. To help keep the factory secret, Tanaka contends, the Japanese government erased the island from maps in 1939.
  2. The dollar plunged against the Japanese yen Wednesday, while the key index on the Tokyo Stock Exchange erased early gains and fell back.
  3. The United States has generally held that East-West negotiations on the weapons should begin until the East's superiority in conventional arms is erased.
  4. He had pleaded guilty to aggravated assault for shooting to death a man in 1971, but the judge allowed his record to be erased after five years' probation.
  5. A late bout of dollar dumping, rumored to be from Bank Negara, the Malaysian central bank, and other players, erased slim gains made earlier in the day.
  6. Mr. Gibson says he doesn't think he erased the tape, but if he did it was by habit, to prevent maintenance crews from hearing pilot complaints about TWA.
  7. A last-minute buying spree erased early losses and pushed the major stock market indexes into the plus column at the end of a dull session.
  8. The move erased roughly half the loss the key barometer registered in the previous session, when it settled at a 14-month low.
  9. But if any doubt remains that tobacco no longer dominates RJR Nabisco Inc., it will be erased this week when the company unveils a proposal once considered sacrilege: moving the corporate headquarters to Atlanta.
  10. "He told me that if they could not be erased, he would throw the computers into the river," her affidavit says.
  11. The Japanese market did it again last week as the Nikkei index erased Monday's 1.8 percent decline in just two days while other markets, including New York, curbed losses but remained down.
  12. But profit-taking later erased most gains and issues closed about unchanged, said an official at Bank of Tokyo Capital Markets.
  13. But that has not erased his legend, inscribed in graffiti on the walls of the camp.
  14. Optical storage devices have been around for years, but most of them cannot be erased once the original recording is made.
  15. On Aug. 2, Iraq invaded Kuwait and erased its Kuwaitibank Visa card's $10 billion tab.
  16. Share prices erased early gains and fell.
  17. Nearly all of the gains, though, were erased amid signs that domestic and foreign investors remain skittish about the credit markets.
  18. Elimination of that tax break on the federal level also erased it for Illinois taxpayers, since state income tax calculations are based on the federal tax return.
  19. "Consider this: The more than 20 percent drop since the beginning of the year has erased something on the order of $800 billion to $900 billion of wealth from that market.
  20. For the week, the Nasdaq Composite Index shed 0.78%, largely because of a selloff Thursday that erased earlier gains.
  21. All the confusion could be erased if Pons and Fleischmann would reveal the details of their experiment, which they have not done.
  22. But the margin of error of four percentage points either way erased Dukakis' seeming advantage.
  23. Trade also weakened in the spring as a big surge in imports, primarily oil, erased much of the increase in U.S. export sales.
  24. The rally erased all of the previous day's sharp losses.
  25. Perhaps the war's most enduring legacy, though, was that it erased from many Japanese minds the idea of military power as a necessity.
  26. May unleaded gasoline relinquished four days' worth of advances while May heating oil erased two day's worth of gains.
  27. "They prefer flip charts they can write on that can't be erased."
  28. That erased most of Wednesday's sharp declines.
  29. Blue-chip issues generally fared better than the broad market, but some late selling erased the modest gains they held for most of the session.
  30. The 0.14 percent drop erased the Nikkei's morning gain of 53.72 points in thin, directionless trading.
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