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 ebbing 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 沉陷;退潮(ebb的现在分词)

  1. I bubble into ebbing bays. I babble on the pebble.
  2. There was a buzz of excitement and Wild Whip could feel the resolve of the would-be revolutionists ebbing away like the surf after a high tide .
  3. Investors are looking for any sign that unemployment is ebbing because that could help shore up consumer spending, retail sales and the housing market.

[ noun ]
a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)

Ebb \Ebb\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Ebbed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Ebbing}.] [AS. ebbian; akin to D. & G. ebben, Dan. ebbe. See
2d {Ebb}.]
1. To flow back; to return, as the water of a tide toward the
ocean; -- opposed to {flow}.

That Power who bids the ocean ebb and flow. --Pope.

2. To return or fall back from a better to a worse state; to
decline; to decay; to recede.

The hours of life ebb fast. --Blackmore.

Syn: To recede; retire; withdraw; decay; decrease; wane;
sink; lower.

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