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 dynamism ['daɪnə`mɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 物力论, 力本说

[医] 动力说, 动力病原论

  1. Shanghai is an international metropolis full of vigor, dynamism and variety.
  2. Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess.
  3. I believe we too can succeed if we tackle this issue with the same dynamism and determination.

[ noun ]
  1. any of the various theories or doctrines or philosophical systems that attempt to explain the phenomena of the universe in terms of some immanent force or energy

  2. <noun.cognition>
  3. active strength of body or mind

  4. <noun.attribute>
  5. the activeness of an energetic personality

  6. <noun.attribute>

Dynamism \Dy"na*mism\, n. [Cf. F. dynamisme. See {Dynamics}.]
The doctrine of Leibnitz, that all substance involves force.

  1. To many foreign observers like myself the Reagan presidency has been an outstanding success, restoring to the world's greatest democracy its economic dynamism, its self-confidence and self-respect and its paramount place in geopolitics.
  2. "This is where German reality is concentrated with all its tensions and dynamism," says Mayor Eberhard Diepgen, who is leading a battle, which reaches its climax today , to bring Germany's government to Berlin.
  3. 'I would like to see them doing something that shows dynamism.' Swissair's dilemma is that its home country is too small to generate enough passengers to fill the non-stop flights that customers demand of an international airline.
  4. Symbolizing the area's new dynamism are Spain's multimillion-dollar preparations for the World's Fair in Seville in 1992 and the Summer Olympics in Barcelona the same year.
  5. The goals of universal coverage and cost control are achieved without imposing bureaucratic controls or sacrificing the flexibility and dynamism of market competition.
  6. 'But the dynamism has been lost.
  7. Yet it is predicated on a bureaucratic arrangement contrary to what we know is key to economic dynamism.
  8. A French minister said yesterday Mr Klaus Kinkel, Germany's foreign minister, had 'irritated us with his dynamism' in enlargement talks.
  9. More important, Mr. Stanbury says the sales show a new dynamism in Quebec's French-speaking business community.
  10. In that respect we are not a typically French company.' For Cornu this dynamism requires a high degree of delegation.
  11. At first his dynamism seemed invigorating.
  12. It reflected the vitality and dynamism that we like to think that New York has.
  13. But, during the campaign, he praised the 'dynamism' of Mr Tapie, briefly urban affairs minister in one of his governments.
  14. "The spin-off company, formed around Harrah's and these rapidly growing brands, will be given a new name that reflects the dynamism, prospective growth and commitment to excellence that will characterize it," Rose said.
  15. "In some cases, the cross-holdings are constructive links between companies that have the same views and want to give each other dynamism by entering into each other's capital," says a London-based merchant banker.
  16. I believe that we can safely say even now that the conversations and the meeting itself will doubtless promote greater dynamism in the dialogue and an expansion of cooperation between our two countries.
  17. "Growth provides a sense of dynamism to a community," says Mr. Kasarda, the University of North Carolina economic demographer.
  18. And as unorthodox as such tactics may be, they can "convey the dynamism of an idea to investors and get them involved," says Donna Hamlin, a San Jose consultant who helps seekers of start-up capital create videotape and slide shows.
  19. One reason for Bouygues's dynamism, people who know it say, is its corporate culture and the fierce loyalties its charismatic founder inspires.
  20. Tim Albery's production of Peter Grimes has the statutory light-bulb, but is surviving proof of the dynamism that lit up the finest work of those years.
  21. There is a fast-growing successful majority that are building on macro-economic stability, good governance and market oriented policies and achieving added dynamism through increased trade with each other.
  22. 'If the process works Germany will be the regional headquarters of a vast area of economic dynamism and prosperity.'
  23. But even this would prove a temporary victory if economic dynamism and high employment were not regained. Policies affecting the labour market fall largely within the domain of the member states.
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