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 disturb [dis'tә:b]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 扰乱, 妨碍, 使不安

[法] 滋扰, 扰乱

  1. He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake.
  2. Don't disturb the paper on my desk.
  3. They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them.


Disturb \Dis*turb"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disturbed}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Disturbing}.] [OE. desturben, destourben, OF.
destorber, desturber, destourber, fr. L. disturbare,
disturbatum; dis- + turbare to disturb, trouble, turba
disorder, tumult, crowd. See {Turbid}.]
1. To throw into disorder or confusion; to derange; to
interrupt the settled state of; to excite from a state of

Preparing to disturb
With all-cofounding war the realms above. --Cowper.

The bellow's noise disturbed his quiet rest.

The utmost which the discontented colonies could do,
was to disturb authority. --Burke.

2. To agitate the mind of; to deprive of tranquillity; to
disquiet; to render uneasy; as, a person is disturbed by
receiving an insult, or his mind is disturbed by envy.

3. To turn from a regular or designed course. [Obs.]

And disturb
His inmost counsels from their destined aim.

Syn: To disorder; disquiet; agitate; discompose; molest;
perplex; trouble; incommode; ruffle.

Disturb \Dis*turb"\, n.
Disturbance. [Obs.] --Milton.

  1. Although Synergen's stock fell, the news didn't seem to disturb investors as much as analysts.
  2. Gbagbo, a Catholic, has promised not to organize demonstrations. "We will not disturb this visit, but the pope should know that the visit disturbs our faith," he said.
  3. The U.S. Forest Service says the event would disturb two spotted owls near the concert site.
  4. Church sources in Berlin said human rights activist Wolfgang Wolf also was detained and others were warned not to "disturb the public order." They said police were watching the apartments of several other people.
  5. Italy's state-owned television decided Friday not to air an interview with Saddam Hussein, saying the broadcast might "disturb the efforts" for a peaceful solution to the Persian Gulf crisis.
  6. Huge pay packages disturb him.
  7. Sears Roebuck Appeal The justices refused to disturb a federal indictment charging that Sears, Roebuck & Co. made false statements to the Customs Service about the price of television sets imported from Japan.
  8. Who can you wake up and disturb?
  9. The two agreed not to try to nab, identify, talk to or otherwise disturb the visitor.
  10. "Nobody is allowed to use religious activities to disrupt public order, damage people's health or disturb education," Mao Rubai, vice chairman of the Tibetan regional government, said last week in an interview with two foreign reporters.
  11. British corruption, like British hypocrisy, has always been conducted at a certain level, the equilibrium of which is difficult to disturb.
  12. The dig, scheduled to resume last month, was put on hold when the Colvilles contended that Gramly's work in the orchard might disturb an ancestral burial ground.
  13. "We do not wish to disturb the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.
  14. A court has ordered a town house owner in one of Boston's most elegant neighborhoods to lop off a fifth-story addition under construction that officials fear will disturb the atmosphere of posh Beacon Hill.
  15. The state news agency MTI said writer Miklos Haraszti and the other seven were detained for "intenting to disturb" Tuesday's ceremonies commemorating the 140th anniversary of Hungary's rebellion against Austrian rule.
  16. In mid-movie Irons is seen nervously woolgathering at an EC conference, before dashing off to Paris to disturb the bedsheets of his weekending son and mistress.
  17. This assertion may disturb UPI's biggest remaining client, the definitely non-Christian Kyodo news agency of Japan.
  18. So all these words don't disturb me for a minute."
  19. There was evidence of a fallback in one or two areas in April but nothing to disturb the underlying trend.
  20. Such policies inevitably disturb vested interests and present political difficulties, as has been evident in Mexico with the challenges within the PRI to the party's reform wing.
  21. Tanya Azarchs, a vice president at S&P, said her agency hasn't changed its ratings on Chase but was reviewing major banks largely because of the sluggish real estate market. "It's a situation that does disturb us," she said.
  22. Dukakis said Bush "has spent the last eight years with a `do not disturb' sign hanging on his office door," ignoring the trade issue.
  23. 'That relationship is good and strong, and I'm not about to disturb that.'
  24. The bones "weren't going anywhere," he said. "I'll admit it. I was wrong." He denied a report by the Benton County sheriff's office that he had said he waited to report the bones because he didn't want to disturb the area for hunting.
  25. He said Latvians showed up in small groups to lay flowers at a central monument, and police did not disturb those who left quickly.
  26. Tourists are restricted where they can walk so they don't disturb the islands' ecology.
  27. Michael Dukakis is hammering the Republicans on a theme of economic nationalism, saying George Bush hung a "do not disturb sign" on his door while foreign competitors and investors battered and bought U.S. industries.
  28. But if January's level were to continue, the deficit would be over 1 1/2 per cent of GDP this year, recession notwithstanding. Is the balance of payments about to disturb the sleep of British policy-makers once more?
  29. The Japanese proposal wouldn't disturb existing laws, which provide for full public access to patents filed with the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, or MITI.
  30. Fringe groups espousing neo-Nazi and rightist beliefs occasionally disturb professional soccer games in West Germany.
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