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 dextrose ['dekstrәus]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 葡萄糖, 右旋糖

[化] 葡萄糖; 葡糖

[医] 葡萄糖, 右旋糖

  1. Content changing trend of dextrose, fructose, sucrose and starch was the same as the soluble sugar.
  2. The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously.
  3. Downing recommends a preworkout shake that includes40-80 grams( g) of dextrose and a postworkout shake with as much as100 g.

[ noun ]
an isomer of glucose that is found in honey and sweet fruits

Dextrose \Dex"trose`\ (d[e^]ks"tr[=o]s`), n. [See {Dexter}.]
A sirupy, or white crystalline, variety of sugar, {C6H12O6}
(so called from turning the plane of polarization to the
right), occurring in many ripe fruits, and also called
{glucose}. Dextrose and levulose are obtained by the
inversion of cane sugar or sucrose, and hence the mixture is
called called invert sugar. Dextrose is chiefly obtained by
the action of heat and acids on starch, and hence called also
{starch sugar}. It is also formed from starchy food by the
action of the amylolytic ferments of saliva and pancreatic

Note: The solid products are known to the trade as {grape
sugar}; the sirupy products as {glucose}, or {mixing
sirup}. These are harmless, but are only about half as
sweet as cane sugar or sucrose.

Glucose \Glu"cose`\, n. [Gr. ? sweet. Cf. {Glycerin}.]
1. A variety of sugar occurring in nature very abundantly, as
in ripe grapes, and in honey, and produced in great
quantities from starch, etc., by the action of heat and
acids. It is only about half as sweet as cane sugar.
Called also {dextrose}, {grape sugar}, {diabetic sugar},
and {starch sugar}. See {Dextrose}.

2. (Chem.) Any one of a large class of sugars, isometric with
glucose proper, and including levulose, galactose, etc.

3. The trade name of a sirup, obtained as an uncrystallizable
reside in the manufacture of glucose proper, and
containing, in addition to some dextrose or glucose, also
maltose, dextrin, etc. It is used as a cheap adulterant of
sirups, beers, etc.

  1. Glucose and dextrose, also made from corn, for many years had held about 17 percent of the calorie-type sweetener market.
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